package tezos-p2p

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Types of the abstract data types (ADT) which parameterize the P2p layer.

Many types used in the P2p layer are parameterized by three type parameters:

  • 'msg: type of messages exchanged between peers
  • 'peer_meta: type of the metadata associated with peers (score, etc.)
  • 'conn_meta: type of the metadata associated with connections

These types are kept abstract from the P2p layer. It can only operate on them via a set of functions packed in a "configuration" record passed by the upper layer (see also P2p and P2p.create).

This module defines the type of these configuration records.

type 'peer_meta peer_meta_config = {
  1. peer_meta_encoding : 'peer_meta Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t;
  2. peer_meta_initial : unit -> 'peer_meta;


  3. score : 'peer_meta -> float;

    Score of a peer, used for ordering


Metadata for a peer

type 'conn_meta conn_meta_config = {
  1. conn_meta_encoding : 'conn_meta Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t;
  2. conn_meta_value : unit -> 'conn_meta;


  3. private_node : 'conn_meta -> bool;

    Returns true if peer at the other end of the connection is in private mode


Metadata for a connection.

type 'msg app_message_encoding =
  1. | Encoding : {
    1. tag : int;
    2. title : string;
    3. encoding : 'a Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t;
    4. wrap : 'a -> 'msg;
    5. unwrap : 'msg -> 'a option;
    6. max_length : int option;
    } -> 'msg app_message_encoding
type 'msg message_config = {
  1. encoding : 'msg app_message_encoding list;

    Encoding of the messages.

  2. chain_name : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Distributed_db_version.Name.t;

    Identifier for this P2p protocol when establishing session.

  3. distributed_db_versions : Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Distributed_db_version.t list;

    List of versions supported by this P2p protocol.


Application-level messages encoding, and version parameters


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