package tezos-dal-node-services

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. advertised_net_addr : Tezos_base.P2p_addr.t option;

    The public address for which the local node can be reached from the outside. This is useful if the node is behind a NAT or a load balancer for example.

  2. advertised_net_port : int option;

    The port at which the local node can be reached. It is a bit redundant since the handshaking protocol already exchange this piece of information.

  3. is_bootstrap_peer : bool;

    true if the node advertises itself as a bootstrap node. This is to prevent a race condition from Gossipsub where a node may send full messages to a bootstrap node while this is not necessary.


connection_metadata type.

A value of this type is exchanged through the handshake protocol of the P2P.

The advertised_net_port is not mandatory, as it is already sent via the first P2P message after a connection is authenticated. But, we decide to duplicate the information here for consistency. The is_bootstrap_peer indicates whether the remote peer has a bootstrap profile or not.


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