package tezos-dal-node-lib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type operation_application_result =
  1. | Succeeded

    The associated operation is included in a block and successfully applied.

  2. | Failed

    The associated operation is included in a block but its application was not successful (failed, backtracked or skipped).

type slot_index = int
type slot_header = {
  1. published_level : int32;
  2. slot_index : slot_index;
  3. commitment : Tezos_crypto_dal.Cryptobox.Verifier.commitment;

Information extracted from DAL slots headers operations included in L1 blocks. Each slot header is made of an L1 level for which it is published, the slot's index and commitment.

type proto_parameters = {
  1. feature_enable : bool;
  2. incentives_enable : bool;
  3. number_of_slots : int;
  4. attestation_lag : int;
  5. attestation_threshold : int;
  6. cryptobox_parameters : Tezos_crypto_dal.Cryptobox.Verifier.parameters;
  7. sc_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks : int;
  8. commitment_period_in_blocks : int;
  9. dal_attested_slots_validity_lag : int;
module type T = sig ... end
val register : (module T) -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.