package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A "benchmark" for the timer itself.

include Benchmark.Benchmark_base
val name : Namespace.t

Name of the benchmark

val info : string

Description of the benchmark

val module_filename : string

File where the benchmark module is defined

val purpose : Benchmark.purpose

Described the purpose of the benchmark. * Generate_code of destination: generates code at the given destination file. * Other_purpose of purpose: any other purpose. The goal is to explain why the function is benchmarked since it does not produce a cost function.

val tags : string list

Tags of the benchmark

type config

Configuration of the benchmark (eg sampling parameters, paths, etc)

val default_config : config

Default configuration of the benchmark

val config_encoding : config Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t

Configuration encoding

type workload

Benchmark workload

val workload_encoding : workload Tezos_base.TzPervasives.Data_encoding.t

Workload encoding

val workload_to_vector : workload -> Sparse_vec.String.t

Optional conversion to vector, for report generation purposes

val group :

Inference group of the benchmark

val model : workload Model.t

Model used for inference

val create_benchmark : rng_state:Random.State.t -> config -> workload Generator.benchmark

Creates a benchmark, ready to be run. The benchmarks are thunked to prevent evaluating the workload until needed.


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