package tezos-benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type solution = {
  1. map : float Free_variable.Map.t;
  2. scores_list : ((string * Namespace.t) * Inference.scores) list;
val get_codegen_destinations : Registration.model_info -> string Tezos_base.TzPervasives.trace

get_codegen_destinations model_info will return all the generated code destinations in which given model is used

val pp_solution : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> solution -> unit
val load_solution : string -> solution

Load a solution form a binary or JSON file

val save_solution : solution -> string -> unit

Save the given solution to binary and JSON files

val solution_to_csv : solution -> Csv.csv
val load_exclusions : string -> Tezos_base.TzPervasives.String.Set.t

Load a text file of lines of function names

type code

Generated code for a model

type module_

Build the cost function codes of the specified model

val codegen_models : (Namespace.t * Registration.model_info) list -> solution -> Costlang.transform -> exclusions:Tezos_base.TzPervasives.String.Set.t -> (string * code) list

codegen_models models solution transform ~exclusions generates the cost function codes of multiple models. The functions in the set exclusions are excluded from the generation.

val comment : string list -> code

Make a comment

val make_toplevel_module : code list -> module_

Make a toplevel module (an .ml file) from the given list of codes

val pp_code : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> code -> unit
val pp_module : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> module_ -> unit
module Parser : sig ... end

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