package tezos-base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type limits = {
  1. backlog_size : int;

    Number of event stored in the backlog for each debug level.

  2. backlog_level : Tezos_event_logging.Internal_event.level;

    Stores events at least as important as this value.


Some memory and time limits.

type worker_status =
  1. | Launching of Time.System.t
  2. | Running of Time.System.t
  3. | Closing of Time.System.t * Time.System.t
  4. | Closed of Time.System.t * Time.System.t * Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.error list option

The running status of an individual worker.

Worker status serializer for RPCs.

type worker_information = {
  1. instances_number : int;
  2. wstatus : worker_status;
  3. queue_length : int;
type request_status = {
  1. pushed : Time.System.t;
  2. treated : Time.System.Span.t;
  3. completed : Time.System.Span.t;

The running status of an individual request.

val request_status_encoding : request_status Data_encoding.t

Request status serializer for RPCs.

type ('req, 'evt) full_status = {
  1. status : worker_status;
  2. pending_requests : (Time.System.t * 'req) list;
  3. backlog : (Tezos_event_logging.Internal_event.level * 'evt list) list;
  4. current_request : (Time.System.t * Time.System.t * 'req) option;

The full status of an individual worker.

Full worker status serializer for RPCs.

val pp_status : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> request_status -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.