package tdigest

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A marshallable version of this library. Approximately 5x slower than the non-marshallable version.

type t
include module type of M with type t := t
include Sexplib0.Sexpable.S with type t := t
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0__.Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0__.Sexp.t
val create : ?delta:delta -> ?k:k -> ?cx:cx -> Base.unit -> t

Tdigest.create ?delta ?k ?cx ()

Allocate an empty Tdigest instance.

delta (default: 0.01) is the compression factor, the max fraction of mass that can be owned by one centroid (bigger, up to 1.0, means more compression). ~delta:Discrete switches off TDigest behavior and treats the distribution as discrete, with no merging and exact values reported.

k (default: 25) is a size threshold that triggers recompression as the TDigest grows during input. ~k:Manual disables automatic recompression.

cx (default: 1.1) specifies how often to update cached cumulative totals used for quantile estimation during ingest. This is a tradeoff between performance and accuracy. ~cx:Always will recompute cumulatives on every new datapoint, but the performance drops by 15-25x or even more depending on the size of the dataset.

val is_empty : t -> Base.bool

Tdigest.is_empty td returns true when the T-Digest does not contain any values.

val info : t -> info td returns a record with these fields:

count: sum of all n

size: size of the internal B-Tree. Calling Tdigest.compress will usually reduce this size.

cumulates_count: number of cumulate operations over the life of this Tdigest instance.

compress_count: number of compression operations over the life of this Tdigest instance.

auto_cumulates_count: number of compression operations over the life of this Tdigest instance that were not triggered by a manual call to Tdigest.compress.

val add : ? -> data:Base.float -> t -> t

Tdigest.add ?n ~data td

Incorporate a value (data) having count n (default: 1) into a new Tdigest.

val add_list : ? -> Base.float Base.list -> t -> t

Tdigest.add_list ?n ll td

Incorporate a list of values each having count n (default: 1) into a new Tdigest.

val merge : ?delta:delta -> ?k:k -> ?cx:cx -> t Base.list -> t

Tdigest.merge ?delta ?k ?cx tdigests

Efficiently combine multiple Tdigests into a new one.

val p_rank : t -> Base.float -> t * Base.float Base.option

Tdigest.p_rank td q For a value q estimate the percentage (0..1) of values <= q.

Returns a new Tdigest to reuse intermediate computations.

val p_ranks : t -> Base.float Base.list -> t * Base.float Base.option Base.list

Same as Tdigest.p_rank but for a list of values.

Returns a new Tdigest to reuse intermediate computations.

val percentile : t -> Base.float -> t * Base.float Base.option

Tdigest.percentile td p

For a percentage p (0..1) estimate the smallest value q at which at least p percent of the values <= q.

For discrete distributions, this selects q using the Nearest Rank Method

For continuous distributions, interpolates data values between count-weighted bracketing means.

Returns a new Tdigest to reuse intermediate computations.

val percentiles : t -> Base.float Base.list -> t * Base.float Base.option Base.list

Same as Tdigest.percentile but for a list of values.

Returns a new Tdigest to reuse intermediate computations.

val compress : ?delta:delta -> t -> t

Tdigest.compress ?delta td

Manual recompression. Not guaranteed to reduce size further if too few values have been added since the last compression.

delta (default: initial value passed to Tdigest.create) The compression level to use for this operation only. This does not alter the delta used by the Tdigest going forward.

val to_string : t -> t * Base.string

Tdigest.to_string td

Serialize the internal state into a binary string that can be stored or concatenated with other such binary strings.

Use Tdigest.of_string to create a new Tdigest instance from it.

Returns a new Tdigest to reuse intermediate computations.

val of_string : ?delta:delta -> ?k:k -> ?cx:cx -> Base.string -> t

Tdigest.of_string ?delta ?k ?cx str

See Tdigest.create for the meaning of the optional parameters.

Allocate a new Tdigest from a string or concatenation of strings originally created by Tdigest.to_string.

module Private : sig ... end

For internal use


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