package tcpip

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

TCP Statistics

type counter

The type for counters.

val value : counter -> int

The counter value. value t is {!incr} t - {!decrs} t.

type t = {
  1. tcp_listens : counter;
  2. tcp_channels : counter;
  3. tcp_connects : counter;
  4. tcp_timers : counter;
  5. mutable total_established : int;
  6. mutable total_passive_connections : int;
  7. mutable total_active_connections : int;
  8. mutable total_timers : int;
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val incr_listen : unit -> unit
val decr_listen : unit -> unit
val incr_channel : unit -> unit
val decr_channel : unit -> unit
val incr_connect : unit -> unit
val decr_connect : unit -> unit
val incr_timer : unit -> unit
val decr_timer : unit -> unit
val singleton : t
module Gc : sig ... end

Show GC stats