package tcpip

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Ethif : V1_LWT.ETHIF
module Clock : V1.CLOCK
module Time : V1_LWT.TIME


include V1_LWT.ARP
type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
type t
type error
type id
val disconnect : t -> unit io
type ipaddr = Ipaddr.V4.t
type buffer = Cstruct.t
type macaddr = Macaddr.t
type repr
type result = [
  1. | `Ok of macaddr
  2. | `Timeout
val to_repr : t -> repr io
val pp : Format.formatter -> repr -> unit
val get_ips : t -> ipaddr list
val set_ips : t -> ipaddr list -> unit io
val remove_ip : t -> ipaddr -> unit io
val add_ip : t -> ipaddr -> unit io
val query : t -> ipaddr -> result io
val input : t -> buffer -> unit io
type ethif = Ethif.t
val connect : ethif -> [> `Ok of t | `Error of error ] Lwt.t

connect creates a value of type t.


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