package tar-unix
Dune Dependency
tar — decode and encode tar files
tar is a simple library to read and write tar files with an emphasis on streaming.
This is pure OCaml code, no C bindings.
can be installed with opam
opam install tar
opam install tar-unix # for use in Unix/Lwt
opam install tar-mirage # for use in MirageOS
If you don't use opam
consult the tar.opam
file for build instructions.
Example toplevel session
In utop:
utop # #require "tar";;
utop # #require "tar-unix";;
utop # let f = Lwt_unix.openfile "/tmp/foo.tar" [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0;;
val f : Lwt_unix.file_descr = <abstr>
utop # Lwt.bind f Tar_lwt_unix.Archive.list;;
[{Tar.Header.file_name = "_build/lib/tar.mli.depends";
Tar.Header.file_mode = 420; Tar.Header.user_id = 1000;
Tar.Header.group_id = 1000; Tar.Header.file_size = 21L;
Tar.Header.mod_time = 1381080315L;
Tar.Header.link_indicator = Tar.Header.Link.Normal;
Tar.Header.link_name = ""};
{Tar.Header.file_name = "_build/lib/tar_unix.mli.depends";
Tar.Header.file_mode = 420; Tar.Header.user_id = 1000;
Tar.Header.group_id = 1000; Tar.Header.file_size = 27L;
Tar.Header.mod_time = 1381080318L;
Tar.Header.link_indicator = Tar.Header.Link.Normal;
Tar.Header.link_name = ""};
{Tar.Header.file_name = "_build/lib/tar.mllib";
Tar.Header.file_mode = ...; Tar.Header.user_id = ...;
Tar.Header.group_id = ...; Tar.Header.file_size = ...;
Tar.Header.mod_time = ...; Tar.Header.link_indicator = ...;
Tar.Header.link_name = ...};
Compressed tarball
The distribution gives a small implementation to create a tarball, a compressed archive. The software allows to list the contents of a given tarball. The compression is done with decompress. You can look at the project documentation for more information on how to compress.
Alternatively, it is possible to use the Tar_gz
module which offers the same interface as Tar
with compression.
Example users
This library is used by
The documentation and API reference is automatically generated by odoc
from the interfaces. It can be consulted online.