package taglib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type file_type = [
  1. | `Autodetect
  2. | `Mpeg
  3. | `OggVorbis
  4. | `OggOpus
  5. | `Flac
  6. | `Mpc
  7. | `OggFlac
  8. | `WavPack
  9. | `Speex
  10. | `TrueAudio
  11. | `Mp4
  12. | `Asf

Supported file types. Warning, types: WavPack, * Speex and TrueAudio are only supported in * Taglib >= 1.5. * Types: Mp4, Asf are only supported with * Taglib >= 1.6. * Type: OggOpus is only supported with * Taglib >= 1.9 and does not seem to be supported * in `Autodetect mode.

type 'a file_tag constraint 'a = [< file_type ]

Type for a file.

type 'a file = 'a file_tag t
exception Closed

Raised when using a file that has been closed

exception Not_implemented

Raised when using a file format not supported by * the system's taglib library.

exception Invalid_file

Raised when taglib cannot parse a file.

val open_file : file_type -> string -> file_type file

Open a file.

Raises Not_found if file does not exist or could not be opened.

Raises Invalid_file if taglib could not parse the file.

Raises Not_implemented if given file_type is not implemented by taglib.

val close_file : file_type file -> unit
val file_save : file_type file -> bool
val file_type : file_type file -> file_type
val properties : file_type file -> (string, string list) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val set_properties : file_type file -> (string, string list) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t -> unit

Get audio properties interface

val audioproperties_length : file_type file -> int
val audioproperties_bitrate : file_type file -> int
val audioproperties_samplerate : file_type file -> int
val audioproperties_channels : file_type file -> int

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