package syndic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Syndic.W3C: invoke and parse the result of the W3C validator.

module Error : module type of Syndic_error

The common signature that all error modules must (at least) satisfy.

type error
type warning
type 'a kind

Distinguishes an error from a warning.

val error : error kind
val warning : warning kind
type 'a t = {
  1. kind : 'a kind;

    Error or warning.

  2. line : int;

    Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the line where the error was detected.

  3. column : int;

    Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the line where the column was detected.

  4. text : string;

    The actual error message.

  5. element : string;

    Element in the feed where the message was triggered.

  6. parent : string;

    In the feed, parent of the element.

  7. value : string;

    If applicable the value of the element, attribute or content which triggered the message.

val url : [< `Data of string | `Uri of Uri.t ] -> Uri.t

Generate url for the W3C Feed Validator API returning a SOAP 12 output. Thus URL is supposed to be used with GET.

val to_error : _ t -> Error.t
val parse : Xmlm.input -> error t list * warning t list

parse i takes i and returns a list of error, result of W3C Feed Validator.


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