package swdogen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type tokenData =
  1. | TokenData of string * int * int
type numLiteral =
  1. | Int of tokenData * int
  2. | Float of tokenData * float
type constantLiteral =
  1. | NumLiteral of numLiteral
  2. | String of tokenData * string
type identifier =
  1. | Identifier of tokenData * string
type url =
  1. | URL of tokenData * string
type desc =
  1. | Desc of tokenData * string
type mime =
  1. | MIME of tokenData * string
type required =
  1. | Required
  2. | Optional
type compoundType =
  1. | RangeType of tokenData * rangableType * numLiteral * numLiteral
  2. | EnumType of tokenData * primitiveType * constantLiteral list
and primitiveType =
  1. | RangableType of rangableType
  2. | T_STRING of tokenData
  3. | T_BYTE of tokenData
  4. | T_BOOLEAN of tokenData
  5. | T_DATE of tokenData
  6. | T_DATETIME of tokenData
  7. | T_VOID of tokenData
and rangableType =
  1. | T_INT of tokenData
  2. | T_LONG of tokenData
  3. | T_FLOAT of tokenData
  4. | T_DOUBLE of tokenData
type swgtype =
  1. | ModelType of modelType
  2. | CompoundType of compoundType
  3. | PrimitiveType of primitiveType
  4. | ArrayType of arrayType
and varDef =
  1. | VarDef of tokenData * identifier * swgtype * required
and propertyDef =
  1. | PropertyDef of tokenData * varDef * desc
and modelType =
  1. | ModelRef of modelRef
  2. | ModelDef of modelDef
and modelRef = tokenData * identifier * varDef list
and modelDef = tokenData * identifier * propertyDef list
and arrayType =
  1. | SWGSet of tokenData * swgtype
  2. | SWGArray of tokenData * swgtype
type paramType =
  1. | PATH of tokenData
  2. | BODY of tokenData
  3. | QUERY of tokenData
  4. | HEADER of tokenData
  5. | FORM of tokenData
type httpMethod =
  1. | GET of tokenData
  2. | POST of tokenData
  3. | PUT of tokenData
  4. | DELETE of tokenData
  5. | HEAD of tokenData
type statusCode =
  1. | StatusCode of tokenData * int
type mimeDef =
  1. | Produces of tokenData * mime
  2. | Consumes of tokenData * mime
type requestEndPoint =
  1. | OAuth2RequestEndPoint of tokenData * identifier * identifier * url
type tokenEndPoint =
  1. | OAuth2TokenEndPoint of tokenData * identifier * url
type oauthType =
  1. | OAuth2Implicit of tokenData * identifier * url
  2. | OAuth2AuthCode of requestEndPoint * tokenEndPoint
type oauthScope =
  1. | OAuthScope of identifier list
type authorization =
  1. | AuthApiKey of tokenData * paramType * identifier
  2. | OAuth2 of tokenData * oauthScope * oauthType
type paramDef = tokenData * varDef * paramType * desc
type response = tokenData * statusCode * modelRef option * desc
type operationProp =
  1. | Method of tokenData * httpMethod
  2. | Return of tokenData * swgtype
  3. | Summary of tokenData * desc
  4. | Notes of tokenData * desc
  5. | ResponseMsg of response
  6. | ParamDef of paramDef
  7. | LocalMIME of mimeDef
  8. | LocalAuth of authorization
type operationDef =
  1. | OperationDef of tokenData * identifier * operationProp list
type apiDef =
  1. | APIDef of tokenData * url * operationDef list
type basePath =
  1. | BasePath of tokenData * url
type resourceProps =
  1. | ResourceProps of basePath * authorization option * mimeDef list
type resourceDef =
  1. | ResourceDef of tokenData * url * desc * resourceProps * apiDef list
type swgDoc =
  1. | ResourceDefs of resourceDef list
  2. | ModelDefs of modelDef list
type sourceFile =
  1. | SWGSourceFile of swgDoc list
  2. | EmptyFile
val swgtype_toString : swgtype -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.