package styled-ppx

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val initial : Css_types.Cascading.t
val inherit_ : Css_types.Cascading.t
val var : ?default:string -> string -> Css_types.Var.t
val auto : [> `auto ]
val none : [> `none ]
val text : [> `text ]
val pct : float -> Css_types.Percentage.t
val ch : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val cm : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val em : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val ex : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val mm : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val pt : int -> Css_types.Length.t
val px : int -> Css_types.Length.t
val pxFloat : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val rem : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val vh : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val vmin : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val vmax : float -> Css_types.Length.t
val deg : float -> Css_types.Angle.t
val rad : float -> Css_types.Angle.t
val grad : float -> Css_types.Angle.t
val turn : float -> Css_types.Angle.t
val absolute : [> `absolute ]
val relative : [> `relative ]
val static : [> `static ]
val fixed : [> `fixed ]
val sticky : [> `sticky ]
val isolate : [> `isolate ]
val horizontal : [> `horizontal ]
val vertical : [> `vertical ]
val smallCaps : [> `smallCaps ]
val italic : [> `italic ]
val oblique : [> `oblique ]
val hidden : [> `hidden ]
val visible : [> `visible ]
val scroll : [> `scroll ]
val rgb : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `rgb of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val rgba : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `rgba of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val hsl : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `hsl of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val hsla : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `hsla of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val hex : 'a -> [> `hex of 'a ]
val currentColor : [> `currentColor ]
val transparent : [> `transparent ]
val linear : [> `linear ]
val ease : [> `ease ]
val easeIn : [> `easeIn ]
val easeInOut : [> `easeInOut ]
val easeOut : [> `easeOut ]
val stepStart : [> `stepStart ]
val stepEnd : [> `stepEnd ]
val steps : 'a -> 'b -> [> `steps of 'a * 'b ]
val cubicBezier : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `cubicBezier of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val marginBox : [> `marginBox ]
val fillBox : [> `fillBox ]
val strokeBox : [> `strokeBox ]
val viewBox : [> `viewBox ]
val translate : 'a -> 'b -> [> `translate of 'a * 'b ]
val translate3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `translate3d of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val translateX : 'a -> [> `translateX of 'a ]
val translateY : 'a -> [> `translateY of 'a ]
val translateZ : 'a -> [> `translateZ of 'a ]
val scaleX : 'a -> [> `scaleX of 'a ]
val scaleY : 'a -> [> `scaleY of 'a ]
val scaleZ : 'a -> [> `scaleZ of 'a ]
val rotateX : 'a -> [> `rotateX of 'a ]
val rotateY : 'a -> [> `rotateY of 'a ]
val rotateZ : 'a -> [> `rotateZ of 'a ]
val scale : 'a -> 'b -> [> `scale of 'a * 'b ]
val scale3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> [> `scale3d of 'a * 'b * 'c ]
val skew : 'a -> 'b -> [> `skew of 'a * 'b ]
val skewX : 'a -> [> `skewX of 'a ]
val skewY : 'a -> [> `skewY of 'a ]
val thin : [> `thin ]
val extraLight : [> `extraLight ]
val light : [> `light ]
val medium : [> `medium ]
val semiBold : [> `semiBold ]
val bold : [> `bold ]
val extraBold : [> `extraBold ]
val lighter : [> `lighter ]
val bolder : [> `bolder ]
val linearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `linearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val repeatingLinearGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `repeatingLinearGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val conicGradient : 'a -> 'b -> [> `conicGradient of 'a option * 'b ]
val areas : 'a -> [> `areas of 'a ]
val ident : 'a -> [> `ident of 'a ]
val numIdent : 'a -> 'b -> [> `numIdent of 'a * 'b ]
val contextMenu : [> `contextMenu ]
val help : [> `help ]
val pointer : [> `pointer ]
val progress : [> `progress ]
val wait : [> `wait ]
val cell : [> `cell ]
val crosshair : [> `crosshair ]
val verticalText : [> `verticalText ]
val alias : [> `alias ]
val copy : [> `copy ]
val move : [> `move ]
val noDrop : [> `noDrop ]
val notAllowed : [> `notAllowed ]
val grab : [> `grab ]
val grabbing : [> `grabbing ]
val allScroll : [> `allScroll ]
val colResize : [> `colResize ]
val rowResize : [> `rowResize ]
val nResize : [> `nResize ]
val eResize : [> `eResize ]
val sResize : [> `sResize ]
val wResize : [> `wResize ]
val neResize : [> `neResize ]
val nwResize : [> `nwResize ]
val seResize : [> `seResize ]
val swResize : [> `swResize ]
val ewResize : [> `ewResize ]
val nsResize : [> `nsResize ]
val neswResize : [> `neswResize ]
val nwseResize : [> `nwseResize ]
val zoomIn : [> `zoomIn ]
val zoomOut : [> `zoomOut ]
val vw : 'a -> [> `vw of 'a ]
val fr : 'a -> [> `fr of 'a ]
module Calc : sig ... end
val size : 'a -> 'b -> [> `size of 'a * 'b ]
val all : [> `all ]
val backwards : [> `backwards ]
val baseline : [> `baseline ]
val block : [> `block ]
val borderBox : [> `borderBox ]
val both : [> `both ]
val center : [> `center ]
val column : [> `column ]
val columnReverse : [> `columnReverse ]
val contain : [> `contain ]
val contentBox : [> `contentBox ]
val count : 'a -> [> `count of 'a ]
val cover : [> `cover ]
val dashed : [> `dashed ]
val dotted : [> `dotted ]
val flexBox : [> `flex ]
val grid : [> `grid ]
val inlineGrid : [> `inlineGrid ]
val flexEnd : [> `flexEnd ]
val flexStart : [> `flexStart ]
val forwards : [> `forwards ]
val infinite : [> `infinite ]
val inline : [> `inline ]
val contents : [> `contents ]
val inlineBlock : [> `inlineBlock ]
val inlineFlex : [> `inlineFlex ]
val inlineTable : [> `inlineTable ]
val listItem : [> `listItem ]
val runIn : [> `runIn ]
val table : [> `table ]
val tableCaption : [> `tableCaption ]
val tableColumnGroup : [> `tableColumnGroup ]
val tableHeaderGroup : [> `tableHeaderGroup ]
val tableFooterGroup : [> `tableFooterGroup ]
val tableRowGroup : [> `tableRowGroup ]
val tableCell : [> `tableCell ]
val tableColumn : [> `tableColumn ]
val tableRow : [> `tableRow ]
val local : [> `local ]
val localUrl : 'a -> [> `localUrl of 'a ]
val noRepeat : [> `noRepeat ]
val space : [> `space ]
val nowrap : [> `nowrap ]
val paddingBox : [> `paddingBox ]
val paused : [> `paused ]
val repeat : [> `repeat ]
val minmax : [> `minmax ]
val repeatX : [> `repeatX ]
val repeatY : [> `repeatY ]
val rotate : 'a -> [> `rotate of 'a ]
val rotate3d : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> [> `rotate3d of 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd ]
val row : [> `row ]
val rowReverse : [> `rowReverse ]
val running : [> `running ]
val solid : [> `solid ]
val spaceAround : [> `spaceAround ]
val spaceBetween : [> `spaceBetween ]
val spaceEvenly : [> `spaceEvenly ]
val stretch : [> `stretch ]
val url : 'a -> [> `url of 'a ]
val wrap : [> `wrap ]
val wrapReverse : [> `wrapReverse ]
val inside : [> `inside ]
val outside : [> `outside ]
val underline : [> `underline ]
val overline : [> `overline ]
val lineThrough : [> `lineThrough ]
val clip : [> `clip ]
val ellipsis : [> `ellipsis ]
val wavy : [> `wavy ]
val double : [> `double ]
val uppercase : [> `uppercase ]
val lowercase : [> `lowercase ]
val capitalize : [> `capitalize ]
val sub : [> `sub ]
val super : [> `super ]
val textTop : [> `textTop ]
val textBottom : [> `textBottom ]
val middle : [> `middle ]
val normal : [> `normal ]
val breakAll : [> `breakAll ]
val keepAll : [> `keepAll ]
val breakWord : [> `breakWord ]
val reverse : [> `reverse ]
val alternate : [> `alternate ]
val alternateReverse : [> `alternateReverse ]
val fill : [> `fill ]
val maxContent : [> `maxContent ]
val minContent : [> `minContent ]
val fitContent : [> `fitContent ]
val round : [> `round ]
val miter : [> `miter ]
val bevel : [> `bevel ]
val butt : [> `butt ]
val square : [> `square ]
val panX : [> `panX ]
val panY : [> `panY ]
val panLeft : [> `panLeft ]
val panRight : [> `panRight ]
val panUp : [> `panUp ]
val panDown : [> `panDown ]
val pinchZoom : [> `pinchZoom ]
val manipulation : [> `manipulation ]
module Shadow : sig ... end
module Animation : sig ... end
module Transition : sig ... end
type animationName = Css_types.AnimationName.t
type angle = Css_types.Angle.t
type animationDirection = Css_types.AnimationDirection.t
type animationFillMode = Css_types.AnimationFillMode.t
type animationIterationCount = Css_types.AnimationIterationCount.t
type animationPlayState = Css_types.AnimationPlayState.t
type cascading = Css_types.Cascading.t
type color = Css_types.Color.t
type fontStyle = Css_types.FontStyle.t
type fontWeight = Css_types.FontWeight.t
type length = Css_types.Length.t
type listStyleType = Css_types.ListStyleType.t
type repeatValue = Css_types.RepeatValue.t
type outlineStyle = Css_types.OutlineStyle.t
type transform = Css_types.Transform.t
type gradient = Css_types.Gradient.t

Innovation. Community. Security.