package sturgeon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An API to interconnect Sturgeon and Inuit.

type flag = [
  1. | `Clickable
  2. | `Clicked
  3. | `Editable
  4. | `Prompt
  5. | `Focus
  6. | `Custom of string * Sturgeon_sexp.basic

Set of flags recognized by Sturgeon interface.

type shell

A buffer shell is the abstract object representing the connection to the user-interface display. Through a shell, you can create one or more buffers.


  • bind message function from emacs for reporting information
val buffer_greetings : unit -> Sturgeon_session.t * shell

buffer_greetings provide you with a session and a shell. Send the session as a greetings to emacs instance and the shell will open and display buffers in this instance.

val message : shell -> string -> unit
type buffer
val create_buffer : shell -> name:string -> buffer

Create patch socket (low-level) from a shell.

val open_cursor : buffer -> flag Inuit.cursor
val manual_connect : buffer -> flag Inuit.patch Inuit.socket -> unit
val create_cursor : shell -> name:string -> flag Inuit.cursor

Create cursor ready to output in a buffer.

Auxiliary interactions

type 'a menu = string * [ `Item of 'a | `Sub of 'a menu list ]
val popup_menu : shell -> string -> 'a menu list -> 'a Sturgeon_session.neg -> unit
val read_file_name : shell -> prompt:string -> ?dir:string -> ?default:string -> string Sturgeon_session.neg -> unit
val fit_to_window : buffer -> unit
val split : buffer -> name:string -> [ `Left | `Right | `Top | `Bottom ] -> buffer

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