package stog

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Computing information from stog structure (graphs, ...).

val compute : Types.stog -> Types.stog

Compute internals graphs between documents.

val succ_by_date : Types.stog -> Types.Graph.key -> Types.Graph.key option

Get the next document by date.

val pred_by_date : Types.stog -> Types.Graph.key -> Types.Graph.key option

Get the previous document by date.

val dot_of_graph : (Types.doc -> Url.t) -> Types.stog -> string

Get graphviz code from the given stog structure, to create a graph showing edges between (clickable) documents; the edges are annotated by the topic and keywords.

val remove_not_published : Types.stog -> Types.stog

Keep in the stog structure only the documents matching the Types.stog.stog_publish_only filter, if any.


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