package sqlgg

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Unit of [ `Interval ]
  2. | Int
  3. | Text
  4. | Blob
  5. | Float
  6. | Bool
  7. | Datetime
  8. | Decimal
  9. | Any
val to_string : t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val matches : t -> t -> bool
val is_unit : t -> bool
val order : t -> t -> [> `Equal | `No | `Order of t * t ]
val common_supertype : t -> t -> t option
val common_subtype : t -> t -> t option
val common_type : t -> t -> bool
type tyvar =
  1. | Typ of t
  2. | Var of int
val string_of_tyvar : tyvar -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
type func =
  1. | Group of t
  2. | Agg
  3. | Multi of tyvar * tyvar
  4. | Ret of t
  5. | F of tyvar * tyvar list
val monomorphic : t -> t list -> func
val fixed : t -> t list -> func
val identity : func
val pp_func : Format.formatter -> func -> unit
val string_of_func : func -> string
val is_grouping : func -> bool

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