package spin

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Missing_env_var of Base.string
exception Incorrect_destination_path of Base.string
exception Incorrect_template_name of Base.string
exception Config_file_syntax_error
exception Current_directory_not_a_spin_project
exception Generator_does_not_exist of Base.string
exception Cannot_parse_template_file of Base.string
exception Cannot_access_remote_repository of Base.string
exception Generator_files_already_exist of Base.string
exception Subprocess_exited_with_non_zero of Base.string *
exception External_command_unavailable of Base.string
exception Cannot_checkout_version of Base.string
val handle_errors : (Base.unit -> 'a) -> 'a
type error = {
  1. doc : Base.string;
  2. exit_code :;
val all : Base.unit -> error Base.list

Innovation. Community. Security.