package spf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type server
type dns =
  1. | Dns_resolv
  2. | Dns_cache
  3. | Dns_zone
type request
type response
type comments
type reason
type result =
  1. | Invalid
  2. | Neutral of comments
  3. | Pass
  4. | Fail of comments
  5. | Softfail of comments
  6. | None
  7. | Temperror
  8. | Permerror
exception SPF_error of string
val server : ?debug:bool -> dns -> server
val free_server : server -> unit
val request : server -> request
val free_request : request -> unit
val check_helo : server -> Unix.inet_addr -> string -> response
val check_from : server -> Unix.inet_addr -> string -> response
val result : response -> result
val reason : response -> reason
val received_spf : response -> string
val received_spf_value : response -> string
val header_comment : response -> string
val smtp_comment : comments -> string
val explanation : comments -> string
val string_of_result : result -> string
val string_of_reason : reason -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.