package speed

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Speed - go fast by writing test first


Dune Dependency





Speed - OCaml test runner

Feeling brave, and want to try this out, read the documentation

This test tool was build as I was unhappy with the current options of testing tools; none of them seem to match my personal philosophy.

It seems that they have a lot of focus on "testing", which may seem obvious, but that is far from what a testing tool is for me. When focusing on testing you are typically adding tests to existing code, often guided by where you most fear things might break in the future.

This is nowhere near how I work. For me, a testing tool is merely a series of microtasks executed everytime I save a file; the goal being providing fast feedback to my work. When I write code, I save often, and every time I save, I want feedback; does the code work as expected.

This ultra short feedback loop; combined with the ability to refactor, increases my productivity by huge amounts.

The fact that I have tests to verify behaviour later on is a secondary BUT STILL important side effect.

But the test tool serves an active role in me working with the code; and I did not find that the existing options supported this rolw very well.

The name?

Well, before writing this, I did use Alcotest for a short while; and inspired by that, the word "amphetamine" popped into mind (which is incidentally also an ingredient in some ADHD medicine).

"Speed" is slang for aphetamine, and I found that to be very fitting; as the primary goal of a test tool it to increase my speed.


The testing tool should in my opinion be a microtask runner. Each "test" is a small task that is executed whenever you save a file. And I prefer the term specification; as I start by writing this, expressing what my code is intended to do.

Second; it should be a tool that help setup a fixture, so there is a focus on verifying a that some specification of a feature works correctly in a given fixture.

Fixtures can be refined, e.g. a fixture could represent a user existing in the system already with a given password. A refined feature could be that there have already been made two bad login attempt (for verifying account lock out behaviour)

When working on a specific feature, you can "focus" the relevant specifications; providing the relevant feedback as quickly as possible without unnecessary noise;

Assertion framework is out of scope (but currently included)

It is not in scope to include an assertion framework. The goal of this is to create a super effective microtask runner. Other tools may create the perfect assertion framework.

But I also want to have the ability to have assertions, so right now; this project is the nesting ground for an assertion framework; and there is some dependency from the test runner to the assertion code in order to format errors nicely.

It is also an area I have tried before, and never felt I found the right design. Chai stands out to me as the best assertion framework; however it fully embraces the dynamic nature of JavaScript; which of course doesn't translate to OCaml at all. If it ends out being a good assertion framework; it will probably make its way into a package of its own.

Design goals

It is the goal that this should be highly extensible. It is also a goal that how things are extended can be mixed between different parts of the tests. E.g. pure code can be tested without the need for async libraries like Lwt, whereas tests for database, network, or other IO code can be written natively using these libraries.

It is also a clear design goal to utilise OCaml5 multicore support.

The system should be highly extensible. As an example. by default, a specification is a unit -> unit function, and a failed test will raise an exception. But for testing IO code; the type would be unit -> unit promise. And if you'd rather want the test to return a result instead of raising an exception; that should also be possible.

The outcome of running a test suite is passed to a reporter. If you define your own outcome of a test; you must define your own reporter to handle the outcome; such that the outcome will be handled correctly.

There is a simple run_main function, that your own code can use to run the test suite. It basically does this

let run_main suite =
  match is_success @@ run_suite suite with true -> exit 0 | false -> exit 1

There's a bit more to it right now; but that's the basic idea.

This funct btw, is the only piece of code that is not explicitly tested; However it is implicitly tested, as I use it in my own test suite; and I always start with a failing test.

Previous experiences

I have previously created a FSpec, a testing tool for F#; and Respect, a testing tool writting in ReasonML (but with focus on the JavaScript side of things).

I made a lot of good solutions in FSpec; but I did make the mistake of initially applying the same solutions to Respect; not recognising the differences between running in .NET CLR, and OCaml. Also, I started on this while my OCaml experience was still rather low, with little knowledge of the unique features of OCaml, such as the powerful module system, or polymorphic variants.


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