package socket-daemon

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type client_msg = ..
module M_client_msg_to_yojson : sig ... end
val client_msg_to_yojson : client_msg -> Yojson.Safe.t
module M_client_msg_of_yojson : sig ... end
type client_msg +=
  1. | Stop
  2. | Restart
  3. | Status
  4. | Set_log_level of int
type server_msg = ..
module M_server_msg_to_yojson : sig ... end
val server_msg_to_yojson : server_msg -> Yojson.Safe.t
module M_server_msg_of_yojson : sig ... end
type server_msg +=
  1. | String of string
val send_client_msg : Lwt_io.output_channel -> client_msg -> unit Lwt.t
val send_server_msg : Lwt_io.output_channel -> server_msg -> unit Lwt.t
val receive_client_msg : Lwt_io.input_channel -> client_msg Lwt.t
val receive_server_msg : Lwt_io.input_channel -> server_msg Lwt.t
val receive_server_msg_opt : Lwt_io.input_channel -> server_msg option Lwt.t
type socket_spec =
  1. | Tmp of string
  2. | Absolute of string
  3. | Relative of string
val socket_spec_of_string : string -> socket_spec
val string_of_socket_spec : socket_spec -> string
val socket_filename : socket_spec -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.