package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Term definitions of the abstract syntax

and expr =
  1. | Val of Value.t
  2. | Ptr of {
    1. base : int32;
    2. offset : t;
  3. | Symbol of Symbol.t
  4. | List of t list
  5. | App of Symbol.t * t list
  6. | Unop of Ty.t * Ty.Unop.t * t
  7. | Binop of Ty.t * Ty.Binop.t * t * t
  8. | Triop of Ty.t * Ty.Triop.t * t * t * t
  9. | Relop of Ty.t * Ty.Relop.t * t * t
  10. | Cvtop of Ty.t * Ty.Cvtop.t * t
  11. | Naryop of Ty.t * Ty.Naryop.t * t list
  12. | Extract of t * int * int
  13. | Concat of t * t
  14. | Binder of Binder.t * t list * t
val make : expr -> t
val view : t -> expr
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val ty : t -> Ty.t

The return type of an expression

val is_symbolic : t -> bool
val get_symbols : t list -> Symbol.t list
val negate_relop : t -> (t, string) Smtml_prelude.Result.t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val pp_smt : t list Fmt.t
val pp_list : t list Fmt.t
val to_string : t -> string
val value : Value.t -> t
val ptr : int32 -> t -> t
val symbol : Symbol.t -> t
val app : Symbol.t -> t list -> t
val let_in : t list -> t -> t
val unop : Ty.t -> Ty.Unop.t -> t -> t

Smart unop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val unop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Unop.t -> t -> t

Dumb unop constructor, no simplifications

val binop : Ty.t -> Ty.Binop.t -> t -> t -> t

Smart binop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val binop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Binop.t -> t -> t -> t

Dumb binop constructor, no simplifications

val triop : Ty.t -> Ty.Triop.t -> t -> t -> t -> t

Smart triop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val triop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Triop.t -> t -> t -> t -> t

Dumb triop constructor, no simplifications

val relop : Ty.t -> Ty.Relop.t -> t -> t -> t

Smart relop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val relop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Relop.t -> t -> t -> t

Dumb relop constructor, no simplifications

val cvtop : Ty.t -> Ty.Cvtop.t -> t -> t

Smart relop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val cvtop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Cvtop.t -> t -> t

Dumb cvtop constructor, no simplifications

val naryop : Ty.t -> Ty.Naryop.t -> t list -> t

Smart naryop constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val naryop' : Ty.t -> Ty.Naryop.t -> t list -> t

Dumb naryop constructor, no simplifications

val extract : t -> high:int -> low:int -> t

Smart extract constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val extract' : t -> high:int -> low:int -> t

Dumb extract constructor, no simplifications

val concat : t -> t -> t

Smart concat constructor, applies simplifications at constructor level

val concat' : t -> t -> t

Dumb concat constructor, no simplifications

val simplify : t -> t

Applies expression simplifications until a fixpoint

module Hc : sig ... end
module Bool : sig ... end
module Set : sig ... end
module Bitv : sig ... end
module Fpa : sig ... end

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