package smtml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type _ cast =
  1. | C8 : int cast
  2. | C32 : int32 cast
  3. | C64 : int64 cast
type t =
  1. | Ty_app
  2. | Ty_bitv of int
  3. | Ty_bool
  4. | Ty_fp of int
  5. | Ty_int
  6. | Ty_list
  7. | Ty_none
  8. | Ty_real
  9. | Ty_str
  10. | Ty_unit
  11. | Ty_regexp
type unop =
  1. | Neg
  2. | Not
  3. | Clz
  4. | Ctz
  5. | Abs
  6. | Sqrt
  7. | Is_nan
  8. | Ceil
  9. | Floor
  10. | Trunc
  11. | Nearest
  12. | Head
  13. | Tail
  14. | Reverse
  15. | Length
  16. | Trim
  17. | Regexp_star
  18. | Regexp_loop of int * int
  19. | Regexp_plus
  20. | Regexp_opt
  21. | Regexp_comp
type binop =
  1. | Add
  2. | Sub
  3. | Mul
  4. | Div
  5. | DivU
  6. | Rem
  7. | RemU
  8. | Shl
  9. | ShrA
  10. | ShrL
  11. | And
  12. | Or
  13. | Xor
  14. | Pow
  15. | Min
  16. | Max
  17. | Rotl
  18. | Rotr
  19. | At
  20. | List_cons
  21. | List_append
  22. | String_prefix
  23. | String_suffix
  24. | String_contains
  25. | String_last_index
  26. | String_in_re
  27. | Regexp_range
type relop =
  1. | Eq
  2. | Ne
  3. | Lt
  4. | LtU
  5. | Gt
  6. | GtU
  7. | Le
  8. | LeU
  9. | Ge
  10. | GeU
type triop =
  1. | Ite
  2. | List_set
  3. | String_extract
  4. | String_replace
  5. | String_index
type cvtop =
  1. | ToString
  2. | OfString
  3. | ToBool
  4. | OfBool
  5. | Reinterpret_int
  6. | Reinterpret_float
  7. | DemoteF64
  8. | PromoteF32
  9. | ConvertSI32
  10. | ConvertUI32
  11. | ConvertSI64
  12. | ConvertUI64
  13. | TruncSF32
  14. | TruncUF32
  15. | TruncSF64
  16. | TruncUF64
  17. | WrapI64
  18. | Sign_extend of int
  19. | Zero_extend of int
  20. | String_to_code
  21. | String_from_code
  22. | String_to_int
  23. | String_from_int
  24. | String_to_float
  25. | String_to_re
type naryop =
  1. | Logand
  2. | Logor
  3. | Concat
  4. | Regexp_union
type logic =
  1. | ALL
  2. | AUFLIA
  3. | AUFLIRA
  4. | AUFNIRA
  5. | LIA
  6. | LRA
  7. | QF_ABV
  8. | QF_AUFBV
  9. | QF_AUFLIA
  10. | QF_AX
  11. | QF_BV
  12. | QF_BVFP
  13. | QF_IDL
  14. | QF_LIA
  15. | QF_LRA
  16. | QF_NIA
  17. | QF_NRA
  18. | QF_RDL
  19. | QF_S
  20. | QF_UF
  21. | QF_UFBV
  22. | QF_UFIDL
  23. | QF_UFLIA
  24. | QF_UFLRA
  25. | QF_UFNRA
  26. | UFLRA
  27. | UFNIA
val compare : t -> t -> int
val unop_equal : unop -> unop -> bool
val binop_equal : binop -> binop -> bool
val relop_equal : relop -> relop -> bool
val triop_equal : triop -> triop -> bool
val cvtop_equal : cvtop -> cvtop -> bool
val naryop_equal : naryop -> naryop -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val logic_of_string : string -> (logic, [> `Msg of string ]) Smtml_prelude.result
val pp_binop : binop Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val pp_triop : triop Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val pp_relop : relop Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val pp_cvtop : cvtop Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val pp_naryop : naryop Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val pp_logic : logic Smtml_prelude.Fmt.t
val string_of_type : t -> string
val of_string : string -> (t, string) Smtml_prelude.Result.t
val size : t -> int

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