package slacko

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An OCaml binding to the REST API of Slack. Each function triggers an HTTP request, so it returns immediately and returns an Lwt.t value.

To use the API you first need to either apply for a token from Slack, or get one via the OAuth2 API. This string can then be converted into a session by means of start_session. With this session most other methods from the binding can be called. The result of each API call is a variant type containing either the JSON result or an error type describing what kind of error occured.

  • author Marek Kubica

Types used in the binding

The binding exposes a number of errors that can happen. As not every function returns every possible API error, the possible errors are grouped into more convenient sets of errors that can be composed together to get the exact error types.

type api_error = [
  1. | `Unhandled_error of string
  2. | `Unknown_error
type parsed_api_error = [
  1. | `ParseFailure of string
  2. | api_error
type auth_error = [
  1. | `Not_authed
  2. | `Invalid_auth
  3. | `Account_inactive

API calls that require authentication (a session) might fail with one of these errors, so functions that take session arguments will return at least these error variants.

type timestamp_error = [
  1. | `Invalid_ts_latest
  2. | `Invalid_ts_oldest

API calls that take timestamp arguments can signal errors when the timestamp is invalid. The binding does its best to make sure that invalid timestamps are avoided.

type channel_error = [
  1. | `Channel_not_found

API calls that require channel inputs can signal this error if the channel does not exist.

type user_error = [
  1. | `User_not_found

API calls that require user inputs signal this error if the user was not found.

type invite_error = [
  1. | `Cant_invite_self
  2. | `Cant_invite

Inviting might fail because invitation is impossible for some reason or because attempting to invite oneself.

type not_in_channel_error = [
  1. | `Not_in_channel

Some API calls require the user to be in channel for the action to succeed, not meeting this requirement can raise this error.

type already_in_channel_error = [
  1. | `Already_in_channel

Some API calls require the user not to be in channel for the action to suceed. The opposite of not_in_channel_error.

type archive_error = [
  1. | `Is_archived

Channels might be archived, so modification attempts will fail with this error.

type name_error = [
  1. | `Name_taken

When creating channels, names have to be unique, an attempt to create a duplicate one will result in this error.

type kick_error = [
  1. | `Cant_kick_self

Kick (in general) might fail, because kicking oneself is not supported.

type channel_kick_error = [
  1. | kick_error
  2. | `Cant_kick_from_general
  3. | `Cant_kick_from_last_channel

Kicking users from channels might fail, because channels have additional restrictions on kicking: users can't be kicked from the #general channel and they cannot be kicked from the last channel they are in.

type restriction_error = [
  1. | `Restricted_action

If an action was attempted that the user does not have permission to, this error is returned.

type leave_general_error = [
  1. | `Cant_leave_general

Leaving the #general channel is not supported by Slack, an attempt do do so will trigger this error.

type message_error = [
  1. | `Cant_delete_message
  2. | `Message_not_found

The message might not exist or be impossible to delete for other reasons.

type message_length_error = [
  1. | `Msg_too_long

message types, like topic types might be too long to post. The Slack API does not specify the maximum message length, so Slacko can't make sure your messages stay below this limit, so everytime you post, this error can realistically happen.

type attachments_error = [
  1. | `Too_many_attachments

When posting a message with attachments, you may receive this error if you post too many. The Slack API documentation states that attempting to post a message with more than 100 attachments will fail with this error, but also that no message should ever have more than 20 attachments. Slacko doesn't check the number of attachments sent.

type rate_error = [
  1. | `Rate_limited

Doing too many API requests in a certain timespan might cause a rate limitation to be applied by Slack. This is the error that results in that case.

type message_update_error = [
  1. | `Message_not_found
  2. | `Cant_update_message
  3. | `Edit_window_closed

Updating a message might fail because the message was not found, couldn't be updated for some reason or because the time in which a message can be edited has passed.

type file_error = [
  1. | `File_not_found
  2. | `File_deleted

Handling files can result in multiple problems: the file wasn't found in the first place or it might have been deleted in the maintime.

type unknown_type_error = [
  1. | `Unknown_type

This error shouldn't ever be returned but serves as a catch-all in case the Slack API returns a new, unknown error type that Slacko doesn't yet understand.

type already_archived_error = [
  1. | `Already_archived

When trying to archive something that was already archived before, this error is returned.

type not_in_group_error = [
  1. | `Not_in_group

Doing an action in a group when not being part of the group can fail.

type leave_last_channel_error = [
  1. | `Cant_leave_last_channel
type last_member_error = [
  1. | `Last_member

An error when the user is the last member and can't do what he planned to do because that would cause the channel not to have members anymore.

type oauth_error = [
  1. | `Invalid_client_id
  2. | `Bad_client_secret
  3. | `Invalid_code
  4. | `Bad_redirect_uri
  5. | `Unknown_error

These errors might be returned when the exchange of oauth authorization for a token has failed.

type presence_error = [
  1. | `Invalid_presence

Setting an invalid presence information is not supported.

type user_visibility_error = [
  1. | `User_not_visible

User is not visible, so action cannot be performed on them.

type invalid_name_error = [
  1. | `Invalid_name
type bot_error = [
  1. | `User_is_bot
type parsed_auth_error = [
  1. | parsed_api_error
  2. | auth_error

API calls which require authentication will always return (at least) these error types.

type topic_result = [
  1. | `Success of string
  2. | parsed_auth_error
  3. | channel_error
  4. | archive_error
  5. | not_in_channel_error
  6. | `User_is_restricted

Setting topics or purposes will result either in a success or one of these errors. Convenience type composed of subtypes.

type timestamp = float

In Slack, timestamps are represented as float, same as in OCaml, so the timestamp type is following suit, so all timestamp-related functions can be used.

type session

Sessions are required in the API for all actions that interact with

token is an alias for session for backwards compatibility reasons.

type token = session

token is an alias for session for backwards compatibility reasons.

type topic

The topic type represents a topic or a purpose message. Both are limited deliberately to have at most 250 UTF-8 encoded codepoints.

type message

The message represents a message to be posted.

type channel

A channel type, can be either a channel name (starting with a #) or a channel id.

type conversation

A type of an IM conversation

type user

An user, represented by either a user name or a user id.

type bot

A bot user, represented by a bot id

type group

A group, a private subset of users chatting together.

type chat =
  1. | Channel of channel
  2. | Im of conversation
  3. | User of user
  4. | Group of group

A place one can post messages to.

type sort_criterion =
  1. | Score
  2. | Timestamp

What criterion to use in search.

type sort_direction =
  1. | Ascending
  2. | Descending

Search result can be ordered in ascending or descending order.

type presence =
  1. | Auto
  2. | Away

Presence can either be active or away.

type topic_obj = {
  1. value : string;
  2. creator : user;
  3. last_set : timestamp;

A topic or purpose object.

type user_obj = {
  1. id : user;
  2. name : string;
  3. deleted : bool;
  4. color : string;
  5. real_name : string;
  6. tz : string option;
  7. tz_label : string;
  8. tz_offset : int;
  9. profile : Yojson.Safe.json;
  10. is_admin : bool;
  11. is_owner : bool;
  12. is_primary_owner : bool;
  13. is_restricted : bool;
  14. is_ultra_restricted : bool;
  15. is_bot : bool;
  16. has_files : bool;

Object representing lots of information about a Slack user.

type group_obj = {
  1. id : group;
  2. name : string;
  3. is_group : bool;
  4. created : timestamp;
  5. creator : user;
  6. is_archived : bool;
  7. members : user list;
  8. topic : topic_obj;
  9. purpose : topic_obj;
  10. is_open : bool option;
  11. last_read : timestamp option;
  12. unread_count : int option;
  13. unread_count_display : int option;
  14. latest : Yojson.Safe.json option;

Object representing information about a Slack group.

type channel_obj = {
  1. id : channel;
  2. name : string;
  3. is_channel : bool;
  4. created : timestamp;
  5. creator : user;
  6. is_archived : bool;
  7. is_general : bool;
  8. is_member : bool;
  9. members : user list;
  10. topic : topic_obj;
  11. purpose : topic_obj;
  12. last_read : timestamp option;
  13. latest : Yojson.Safe.json option;
  14. unread_count : int option;
  15. unread_count_display : int option;
  16. num_members : int option;

Object representing information about a Slack channel.

type field_obj = {
  1. title : string option;
  2. value : string;
  3. short : bool;

Object representing a message attachment field.

type attachment_obj = {
  1. fallback : string option;
  2. color : string option;
  3. pretext : string option;
  4. author_name : string option;
  5. author_icon : string option;
  6. title : string option;
  7. text : string option;
  8. fields : field_obj list option;
  9. image_url : string option;
  10. thumb_url : string option;
  11. footer : string option;
  12. footer_icon : string option;
  13. ts : timestamp option;
  14. mrkdwn_in : string list option;

Object representing a message attachment.

type message_obj = {
  1. type' : string;
  2. ts : timestamp;
  3. user : user option;
  4. bot_id : bot option;
  5. text : string option;
  6. is_starred : bool option;

Object representing a message. Can be of a number of types.

type history_obj = {
  1. latest : timestamp option;
  2. messages : message_obj list;
  3. has_more : bool;
type authed_obj = {
  1. url : string;
  2. team : string;
  3. user : string;
  4. team_id : string;
  5. user_id : user;

Authentication information from the current user.

type channel_leave_obj = {
  1. not_in_channel : bool option;

Response to a channel leave request.

type channel_rename_obj = {
  1. id : channel;
  2. is_channel : bool;
  3. name : string;
  4. created : timestamp;

Response to renaming of a channel.

type chat_obj = {
  1. ts : timestamp;
  2. chat : chat;
  3. text : string option;
type emoji = string * string

A single emoji.

type chat_close_obj = {
  1. no_op : bool option;
  2. already_closed : bool option;
type groups_invite_obj = {
  1. already_in_group : bool option;
  2. group : group_obj;

Response to a channel invite.

type groups_open_obj = {
  1. no_op : bool option;
  2. already_open : bool option;

Response to opening a group.

type groups_rename_obj = {
  1. id : channel;
  2. is_group : bool;
  3. name : string;
  4. created : timestamp;

Response to rename of a group

type im_obj = {
  1. id : string;
  2. is_im : bool;
  3. user : user;
  4. created : timestamp;
  5. is_user_deleted : bool;
  6. unread_count : int option;
  7. unread_count_display : int option;

Information about a direct conversation with a person.

type im_channel_obj = {
  1. id : string;
type im_open_obj = {
  1. no_op : bool option;
  2. already_open : bool option;
  3. channel : im_channel_obj;

Information about an direct conversation channel.

type oauth_obj = {
  1. access_token : string;
  2. scope : string;

When requesting an OAuth token, you get a token and the scope for which this token is valid.

type comment_obj = {
  1. id : string;
  2. timestamp : timestamp;
  3. user : user;
  4. comment : string;

Represents a comment on an item.

type paging_obj = {
  1. count : int;
  2. total : int;
  3. page : int;
  4. pages : int;

Paging information for requests that might have multi page results.

type file_obj = {
  1. id : string;
  2. created : timestamp;
  3. timestamp : timestamp;
  4. name : string option;
  5. title : string;
  6. mimetype : string;
  7. pretty_type : string;
  8. user : user;
  9. mode : string;
  10. editable : bool;
  11. is_external : bool;
  12. external_type : string;
  13. size : int;
  14. url_private : string;
  15. url_private_download : string;
  16. thumb_64 : string option;
  17. thunb_80 : string option;
  18. thumb_360 : string option;
  19. thumb_360_gif : string option;
  20. thumb_360_w : int option;
  21. thumb_360_h : int option;
  22. preview : string option;
  23. preview_highlight : string option;
  24. lines : int option;
  25. lines_more : int option;
  26. is_public : bool;
  27. channels : channel list;
  28. groups : group list;
  29. ims : conversation list;
  30. initial_comment : Yojson.Safe.json option;
  31. num_stars : int option;

Information about a file.

type files_info_obj = {
  1. file : file_obj;
  2. comments : comment_obj list;
  3. paging : paging_obj;

Metainformation about a file.

type files_list_obj = {
  1. files : file_obj list;
  2. paging : paging_obj;

A list of files.

type stars_list_obj = {
  1. items : Yojson.Safe.json list;
  2. paging : paging_obj;

Information about starred items.

type message_search_obj = {
  1. total : int;
  2. paging : paging_obj;
  3. matches : message_obj list;
type file_search_obj = {
  1. total : int;
  2. paging : paging_obj;
  3. matches : file_obj list;
type search_obj = {
  1. query : string;
  2. messages : message_search_obj option;
  3. files : file_search_obj option;
type team_obj = {
  1. id : string;
  2. name : string;
  3. domain : string;
  4. email_domain : string;
  5. icon : Yojson.Safe.json;
type login_obj = {
  1. user_id : user;
  2. username : string;
  3. date_first : timestamp;
  4. date_last : timestamp;
  5. count : int;
  6. ip : string;
  7. user_agent : string;
  8. isp : string;
  9. country : string;
  10. region : string;
type team_access_log_obj = {
  1. logins : login_obj list;
  2. paging : paging_obj;
type history_result = [
  1. | `Success of history_obj
  2. | parsed_auth_error
  3. | channel_error
  4. | timestamp_error

Return value of a history related request.

Type construction helper functions

To build the types required in the API calls, you can use these helper functions.

val start_session : ?base_url:string -> string -> session

Create a session from a token string and an optional base_url.

val token_of_string : string -> session

Deprecated wrapper for backcompat.

  • deprecated Please use 'start_session' instead.
val field : ?title:string -> ?short:bool -> string -> field_obj
val attachment : ?fallback:string -> ?color:string -> ?pretext:string -> ?author_name:string -> ?author_link:string -> ?author_icon:string -> ?title:string -> ?title_link:string -> ?text:string -> ?fields:field_obj list -> ?image_url:string -> ?thumb_url:string -> ?footer:string -> ?footer_icon:string -> ?ts:timestamp -> ?mrkdwn_in:string list -> unit -> attachment_obj
val message_of_string : string -> message

Build a message from a string.

val topic_of_string : string -> topic option

Build a topic out of a string. topic types are also used to set purposes. Also validates the length of the topic, since Slack has a 250 UTF-8 codepoint length limit on purposes and topics.

val topic_of_string_exn : string -> topic

Same as topic_of_string but throws an exception if it fails to convert the text data into a topic.

val group_of_string : string -> group

Construct a group out of a given string. This can be either a group id, starting with capital 'G' character which is the preferred way or it can be a group name for convenience. In the latter case, each API call with requires a group will perform an additional request to determine the group id from the name.

val user_of_string : string -> user

Constructs a user out of a given string. The string can either be an user id starting with a capital 'U' which is the preferred way or it can be a simple user name in which case every API call will look up the user name to an id in an additional request.

val bot_of_string : string -> bot
val channel_of_string : string -> channel

Constructs a channel out of a given string. Can either be a channel id starting with a capital 'C' which is the preferred way or a channel name starting with a '#'. If a channel name was provided, each consecutive API call using it will first need to resolve the channel name into a channel id by means of an additional request.

val conversation_of_string : string -> conversation

Create a conversation type out of a given string. The string is usually starting with a capital 'D' and represents an IM conversation channel.

Slack API calls

val api_test : ?base_url:string -> ?foo:string -> ?error:string -> unit -> [ `Success of Yojson.Safe.json | api_error ] Lwt.t

Checks API calling code.

  • parameter base_url

    If set, overrides the Slack API base URL.

  • parameter foo

    A dummy value that will be returned by the API.

  • parameter error

    If set, will return a specific kind of error.

val auth_test : session -> [ `Success of authed_obj | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Checks authentication & identity.

  • parameter session

    The session containing the authentication token.

val channels_archive : session -> channel -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | already_archived_error | `Cant_archive_general | `Last_restricted_channel | restriction_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Archives a channel.

val channels_create : session -> string -> [ `Success of channel_obj | parsed_auth_error | name_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Creates a channel.

val channels_history : session -> ?latest:timestamp -> ?oldest:timestamp -> ?count:int -> ?inclusive:bool -> channel -> history_result Lwt.t

Fetches history of messages and events from a channel.

  • parameter session

    The session containing the authentication token.

  • parameter latest

    The newest message from history to be returned.

  • parameter oldest

    The oldest message from history to be returned.

  • parameter count

    The number of messages to be returned.

  • parameter inclusive

    Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results.

  • parameter channel

    The Slack channel from which to get the history.

val channels_info : session -> channel -> [ `Success of channel_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error ] Lwt.t

Gets information about a channel.

val channels_invite : session -> channel -> user -> [ `Success of channel_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | user_error | invite_error | not_in_channel_error | already_in_channel_error | archive_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Invites a user to a channel.

val channels_join : session -> channel -> [ `Success of channel_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | name_error | archive_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Joins a channel, creating it if needed.

val channels_kick : session -> channel -> user -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | user_error | channel_kick_error | not_in_channel_error | restriction_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Removes a user from a channel.

val channels_leave : session -> channel -> [ `Success of channel_leave_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | archive_error | leave_general_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Leaves a channel.

val channels_list : ?exclude_archived:bool -> session -> [ `Success of channel_obj list | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Lists all channels in a Slack team.

val channels_mark : session -> channel -> timestamp -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | archive_error | not_in_channel_error ] Lwt.t

Sets the read cursor in a channel.

val channels_rename : session -> channel -> string -> [ `Success of channel_rename_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | not_in_channel_error | name_error | invalid_name_error | `Not_authorized | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Renames a team channel.

val channels_set_purpose : session -> channel -> topic -> topic_result Lwt.t

Sets the purpose for a channel.

val channels_set_topic : session -> channel -> topic -> topic_result Lwt.t

Sets the topic for a channel.

val channels_unarchive : session -> channel -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | `Not_archived | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Unarchives a channel.

val chat_delete : session -> timestamp -> chat -> [ `Success of chat_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | message_error ] Lwt.t

Deletes a message.

val chat_post_message : session -> chat -> ?as_user:bool -> ?link_names:bool -> ?mrkdwn:bool -> ?reply_broadcast:bool -> ?thread_ts:timestamp -> ?unfurl_links:bool -> ?unfurl_media:bool -> ?username:string -> ?parse:string -> ?icon_url:string -> ?icon_emoji:string -> ?attachments:attachment_obj list -> message -> [ `Success of chat_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | archive_error | message_length_error | attachments_error | rate_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Sends a message to a channel.

val chat_update : session -> timestamp -> chat -> ?as_user:bool -> ?attachments:attachment_obj list -> ?link_names:bool -> ?parse:string -> message -> [ `Success of chat_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | message_update_error | message_length_error | attachments_error ] Lwt.t

Updates a message.

val emoji_list : session -> [ `Success of emoji list | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Lists custom emoji for a team.

val files_delete : session -> string -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | `Cant_delete_file | file_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t
val files_info : session -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> string -> [ `Success of files_info_obj | parsed_auth_error | file_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Gets information about a team file.

val files_list : ?user:user -> ?ts_from:timestamp -> ?ts_to:timestamp -> ?types:string -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> session -> [ `Success of files_list_obj | parsed_auth_error | user_error | unknown_type_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Lists & filters team files.

val files_upload : session -> ?filetype:string -> ?filename:string -> ?title:string -> ?initial_comment:string -> ?channels:string -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.t -> [ `Success of file_obj | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Uploads or creates a file.

val groups_archive : session -> group -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | already_archived_error | `Group_contains_others | `Last_restricted_channel | restriction_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Archives a private group.

val groups_close : session -> group -> [ `Success of chat_close_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error ] Lwt.t

Closes a private group.

val groups_create : session -> group -> [ `Success of group_obj | parsed_auth_error | name_error | restriction_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Creates a private group.

val groups_create_child : session -> group -> [ `Success of group_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | already_archived_error | restriction_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Clones and archives a private group.

val groups_history : session -> ?latest:timestamp -> ?oldest:timestamp -> ?count:int -> ?inclusive:bool -> group -> history_result Lwt.t

Fetches history of messages and events from a private group.

val groups_invite : session -> group -> user -> [ `Success of groups_invite_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | user_error | invite_error | archive_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Invites a user to a private group.

val groups_kick : session -> group -> user -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | user_error | kick_error | not_in_group_error | restriction_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Removes a user from a private group.

val groups_leave : session -> group -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | archive_error | leave_last_channel_error | last_member_error | `User_is_ultra_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Leaves a private group.

val groups_list : ?exclude_archived:bool -> session -> [ `Success of group_obj list | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Lists private groups that the calling user has access to.

val groups_mark : session -> group -> timestamp -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | archive_error | not_in_channel_error ] Lwt.t

Sets the read cursor in a private group.

val groups_open : session -> group -> [ `Success of groups_open_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error ] Lwt.t

Opens a private group.

val groups_rename : session -> group -> string -> [ `Success of groups_rename_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | name_error | invalid_name_error | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Renames a private group.

val groups_set_purpose : session -> group -> topic -> topic_result Lwt.t

Sets the purpose for a private group.

val groups_set_topic : session -> group -> topic -> topic_result Lwt.t

Sets the topic for a private group.

val groups_unarchive : session -> group -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | `Not_archived | `User_is_restricted | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Unarchives a private group.

val im_close : session -> conversation -> [ `Success of chat_close_obj | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | `User_does_not_own_channel ] Lwt.t

Close a direct message channel.

val im_history : session -> ?latest:timestamp -> ?oldest:timestamp -> ?count:int -> ?inclusive:bool -> conversation -> history_result Lwt.t

Fetches history of messages and events from direct message channel.

val im_list : session -> [ `Success of im_obj list | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Lists direct message channels for the calling user.

val im_mark : session -> conversation -> timestamp -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | channel_error | not_in_channel_error ] Lwt.t

Sets the read cursor in a direct message channel.

val im_open : session -> user -> [ `Success of im_open_obj | parsed_auth_error | user_error | user_visibility_error ] Lwt.t

Opens a direct message channel.

val oauth_access : ?base_url:string -> string -> string -> ?redirect_url:string -> string -> [ `Success of oauth_obj | `ParseFailure of string | oauth_error ] Lwt.t

Exchanges a temporary OAuth code for an API session.

val search_all : session -> ?sort:sort_criterion -> ?sort_dir:sort_direction -> ?highlight:bool -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> string -> [ `Success of search_obj | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Searches for messages and files matching a query.

val search_files : session -> ?sort:sort_criterion -> ?sort_dir:sort_direction -> ?highlight:bool -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> string -> [ `Success of search_obj | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Searches for files matching a query.

val search_messages : session -> ?sort:sort_criterion -> ?sort_dir:sort_direction -> ?highlight:bool -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> string -> [ `Success of search_obj | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Searches for messages matching a query.

val stars_list : ?user:user -> ?count:int -> ?page:int -> session -> [ `Success of stars_list_obj | parsed_auth_error | user_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Lists stars for a user.

val team_access_logs : ?count:int -> ?page:int -> session -> [ `Success of team_access_log_obj | parsed_auth_error | `Paid_only | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Gets the access logs for the current team.

val team_info : session -> [ `Success of team_obj | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Gets information about the current team.

val users_get_presence : session -> user -> [ `Success of presence | user_error | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Gets user presence information.

val users_info : session -> user -> [ `Success of user_obj | parsed_auth_error | user_error | user_visibility_error ] Lwt.t

Gets information about a user.

val users_list : session -> [ `Success of user_obj list | parsed_auth_error ] Lwt.t

Lists all users in a Slack team.

val users_set_active : session -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | bot_error ] Lwt.t

Marks a user as active.

val users_set_presence : session -> presence -> [ `Success | parsed_auth_error | presence_error ] Lwt.t

Manually sets user presence.


Innovation. Community. Security.