package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Use Log to set up a logger for your Sihl app. This module can not be used to actually log, use Logs for that.

val get_log_level : unit -> Logs.level option
val logs_dir : unit -> string
val lwt_file_reporter : unit -> Logs.reporter
val format_reporter : ?pp_header: (Logs.src -> Format.formatter -> (Logs.level * string option) -> unit) -> ?app:Format.formatter -> ?dst:Format.formatter -> unit -> Logs.reporter
val cli_reporter : ?pp_header: (Logs.src -> Format.formatter -> (Logs.level * string option) -> unit) -> ?app:Format.formatter -> ?dst:Format.formatter -> unit -> Logs.reporter
val default_reporter : Logs.reporter

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