package sihl
Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Sihl_facade.User end
val to_sexp : Sihl_contract.User.t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val to_yojson : Sihl_contract.User.t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> Sihl_contract.User.t option
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Sihl_contract.User.t -> unit
val make :
email:string ->
password:string ->
username:string option ->
admin:bool ->
confirmed:bool ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, string) Result.t
val confirm : Sihl_contract.User.t -> Sihl_contract.User.t
val set_user_password :
Sihl_contract.User.t ->
string ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, string) Stdlib.result
val set_user_details :
Sihl_contract.User.t ->
email:string ->
username:string option ->
val is_admin : Sihl_contract.User.t -> bool
val is_owner : Sihl_contract.User.t -> string -> bool
val is_confirmed : Sihl_contract.User.t -> bool
val matches_password : string -> Sihl_contract.User.t -> bool
val validate_change_password :
Sihl_contract.User.t ->
old_password:string ->
new_password:string ->
new_password_confirmation:string ->
password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result) ->
(unit, string) Stdlib.result
include Sihl_contract.User.Sig
include Sihl_core.Container.Service.Sig
val search :
?sort:[ `Desc | `Asc ] ->
?filter:string ->
int ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t list * int) Lwt.t
val find_opt : user_id:string -> Sihl_contract.User.t option Lwt.t
val find : user_id:string -> Sihl_contract.User.t Lwt.t
val find_by_email : email:string -> Sihl_contract.User.t Lwt.t
val find_by_email_opt : email:string -> Sihl_contract.User.t option Lwt.t
val update_password :
?password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Result.t) ->
user:Sihl_contract.User.t ->
old_password:string ->
new_password:string ->
new_password_confirmation:string ->
unit ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, string) Result.t Lwt.t
val update_details :
user:Sihl_contract.User.t ->
email:string ->
username:string option ->
Sihl_contract.User.t Lwt.t
val set_password :
?password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Result.t) ->
user:Sihl_contract.User.t ->
password:string ->
password_confirmation:string ->
unit ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, string) Result.t Lwt.t
Set the password of a user without knowing the old password.
This feature is typically used by admins.
val create :
email:string ->
password:string ->
username:string option ->
admin:bool ->
confirmed:bool ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, string) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val create_user :
email:string ->
password:string ->
username:string option ->
Sihl_contract.User.t Lwt.t
Create and store a user.
val create_admin :
email:string ->
password:string ->
username:string option ->
Sihl_contract.User.t Lwt.t
Create and store a user that is also an admin.
val register_user :
?password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result) ->
?username:string ->
email:string ->
password:string ->
password_confirmation:string ->
unit ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, Sihl_contract.User.error) Result.t Lwt.t
Create and store new user.
Provide password_policy
to check whether the password fulfills certain criteria.
val login :
email:string ->
password:string ->
(Sihl_contract.User.t, Sihl_contract.User.error) Result.t Lwt.t
Find user by email if password matches.
val lifecycle : unit -> Sihl_core.Container.Lifecycle.t
val register : (module Sihl_contract.User.Sig) -> Sihl_core.Container.Service.t
module Setup : sig ... end
module Password_reset : sig ... end
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"