Module type
Class type
module Core = Sihl_core
include module type of Opium_kernel.Rock.Request
type t = Opium_kernel.Rock.Request.t = {
request : Cohttp.Request.t;
body : Cohttp_lwt.Body.t;
env : Opium_kernel__.Hmap0.t;
val env : t -> Opium_kernel__.Hmap0.t
val body : t -> Cohttp_lwt.Body.t
val request : t -> Cohttp.Request.t
module Fields = Opium_kernel.Export.Rock.Request.Fields
val create :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium_kernel__.Hmap0.t ->
Cohttp.Request.t ->
val meth : t -> Cohttp.Code.meth
val make :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
Cohttp.Code.meth ->
make ?version ?body ?env ?headers target method
creates a new request from the given values. By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1 and the request will not contain any header or body.
val get :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
get ?version ?body ?env ?headers target
creates a new GET
request from the given values. By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1 and the request will not contain any header or body.
val post :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
post ?version ?body ?env ?headers target
creates a new POST
request from the given values. By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1 and the request will not contain any header or body.
val put :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
put ?version ?body ?env ?headers target
creates a new PUT
request from the given values. By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1 and the request will not contain any header or body.
val delete :
?body:Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
delete ?version ?body ?env ?headers target
creates a new DELETE
request from the given values. By default, the HTTP version will be set to 1.1 and the request will not contain any header or body.
val of_plain_text :
?body:string ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
Cohttp.Code.meth ->
of_plain_text ?version ?headers ?env ~body target method
creates a new request from the given values and a string body. The content type of the request will be set to text/plain
and the body will contain the string body
The request initialized with:
Request.of_plain_text ~body:"Hello World" "/target" `POST
Will be represented as:
POST /target HTTP/HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: text/plain Hello World
val of_json :
?body:Yojson.Safe.t ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
Cohttp.Code.meth ->
of_json ?version ?headers ?env ~body target method
creates a new request from the given values and a json body. The content type of the request will be set to application/json
and the body will contain the json payload body
The request initialized with:
Request.of_json ~body:(`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ]) "/target" `POST
Will be represented as:
POST /target HTTP/HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"Hello":"World"}
val of_urlencoded :
?body:(string * string list) list ->
?env:Opium.Hmap.t ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
string ->
Cohttp.Code.meth ->
of_urlencoded ?version ?headers ?env ~body target method
creates a new request from the given values and a urlencoded body. The content type of the request will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and the body will contain the key value pairs body
formatted in the urlencoded format.
The request initialized with:
Request.of_urlencoded ~body:[ "key", [ "value" ] ] "/target" `POST
Will be represented as:
POST /target HTTP/HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded key=value
to_plain_text t
parses the body of the request t
as a string.
let request = Request.of_plain_text "Hello world!"
let body = Request.to_json request
will be:
"Hello world!"
val to_json : t -> Yojson.Safe.t option Lwt.t
to_json t
parses the body of the request t
as a JSON structure. If the body of the request cannot be parsed as a JSON structure, None
is returned. Use to_json_exn
to raise an exception instead.
let request = Request.of_json (`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ])
let body = Request.to_json request
will be:
`Assoc [ "Hello", `String "World" ]
val to_json_exn : t -> Yojson.Safe.t Lwt.t
to_json_exn t
parses the body of the request t
as a JSON structure. If the body of the request cannot be parsed as a JSON structure, an Invalid_argument
exception is raised. Use to_json
to return an option instead.
to_urlencoded t
parses the body of the request t
from a urlencoded format to a list of key-values pairs. This function exist to offer a simple way to get all of the key-values pairs, but most of the time, you'll probably only want the value of a key given. If you don't need the entire list of values, it is recommended to use urlencoded
instead. If the body of the request cannot be parsed as a urlencoded string, an empty list is returned.
let request =
~body:[ "username", [ "admin" ]; "password", [ "password" ] ]
let values = Request.to_urlencoded request
will be:
[ "username", [ "admin" ]; "password", [ "password" ] ]
val to_multipart_form_data :
?callback:(name:string -> filename:string -> string -> unit Lwt.t) ->
t ->
(string * string) list option Lwt.t
to_multipart_form_data ?callback t
parses the body of the request t
from a multipart/form-data
format to a list of key-values pairs. The request has to to contain a Content-Type
header with a value multipart/form-data
and the HTTP method has to be POST
, otherwise the request will not be parsed an None
will be returned. See to_multipart_form_data_exn
to raise an exception instead. If the body of the request cannot be parsed as a multipart/form-data
string, an empty list is returned. When provided, the callback is a function of type val _ : ~filename:string ~name:string string -> Lwt.unit
that is called for each part of the body.
val to_multipart_form_data_exn :
?callback:(name:string -> filename:string -> string -> unit Lwt.t) ->
t ->
(string * string) list Lwt.t
to_multipart_form_data_exn ?callback t
parses the body of the request t
from a multipart/form-data
format to a list of key-values pairs. The request has to to contain a Content-Type
header with a value multipart/form-data
and the HTTP method has to be POST
, otherwise the request will not be parsed and an Invalid_argument
exception will be raised. See to_multipart_form_data
to return an option instead. If the body of the request cannot be parsed as a multipart/form-data
string, an empty list is returned. When provided, the callback is a function of type val _ : ~filename:string ~name:string string -> Lwt.unit
that is called for each part of the body.
val header : string -> t -> string option
header key t
returns the value of the header with key key
in the request t
. If multiple headers have the key key
, only the value of the first header will be returned. If you want to return all the values if multiple headers are found, you can use headers
val headers : string -> t -> string list
returns the values of all headers with the key key
in the request t
. If you want to return the value of only the first header with the key key
, you can use header
add_header (key, value) t
adds a header with the key key
and the value value
to the request t
. If a header with the same key is already persent, a new header is appended to the list of headers regardless. If you want to add the header only if an header with the same key could not be found, you can use add_header_unless_exists
. See also add_headers
to add multiple headers.
add_header_or_replace (key, value) t
adds a header with the key key
and the value value
to the request t
. If a header with the same key already exist, its value is replaced by value
. If you want to add the header only if it doesn't already exist, you can use add_header_unless_exists
. See also add_headers_or_replace
to add multiple headers.
add_header_unless_exists (key, value) t
adds a header with the key key
and the value value
to the request t
if an header with the same key does not already exist. If a header with the same key already exist, the request remains unmodified. If you want to add the header regardless of whether the header is already present, you can use add_header
. See also add_headers_unless_exists
to add multiple headers.
add_headers headers t
adds the headers headers
to the request t
. The headers are added regardless of whether a header with the same key is already present. If you want to add the header only if an header with the same key could not be found, you can use add_headers_unless_exists
. See also add_header
to add a single header.
add_headers_or_replace (key, value) t
adds a headers headers
to the request t
. If a header with the same key already exist, its value is replaced by value
. If you want to add the header only if it doesn't already exist, you can use add_headers_unless_exists
. See also add_header_or_replace
to add a single header.
add_headers_unless_exists headers t
adds the headers headers
to the request t
if an header with the same key does not already exist. If a header with the same key already exist, the header is will not be added to the request. If you want to add the header regardless of whether the header is already present, you can use add_headers
. See also add_header_unless_exists
to add a single header.
remove_header (key, value) t
removes all the headers with the key key
from the request t
. If no header with the key key
exist, the request remains unmodified.
val content_type : t -> string option
content_type t
returns the value of the header Content-Type
of the request t
set_content_type content_type t
returns a copy of t
with the value of the header Content-Type
set to content_type
val cookie : ?signed_with:Cookie.Signer.t -> string -> t -> string option
cookie ?signed_with key t
returns the value of the cookie with key key
in the Cookie
header of the request t
. If signed_with
is provided, the cookies will be unsigned with the given Signer and only a cookie with a valid signature will be returned. If the request does not contain a valid Cookie
or if no cookie with the key key
exist, None
will be returned.
val cookies : ?signed_with:Cookie.Signer.t -> t -> Cookie.value list
cookies ?signed_with t
returns all the value of the cookies in the Cookie
header of the request t
. If signed_with
is provided, the cookies will be unsigned with the given Signer and only the cookies with a valid signature will be returned. If the request does not contain a valid Cookie
, None
will be returned.
val add_cookie : ?sign_with:Cookie.Signer.t -> Cookie.value -> t -> t
add_cookie ?sign_with ?expires ?scope ?same_site ?secure ?http_only value t
adds a cookie with value value
to the request t
. If a cookie with the same key already exists, its value will be replaced with the new value of value
. If sign_with
is provided, the cookie will be signed with the given Signer.
val add_cookie_unless_exists :
?sign_with:Cookie.Signer.t ->
Cookie.value ->
t ->
add_cookie_unless_exists ?sign_with ?expires ?scope ?same_site ?secure ?http_only
value t
adds a cookie with value value
to the request t
. If a cookie with the same key already exists, it will remain untouched. If sign_with
is provided, the cookie will be signed with the given Signer.
remove_cookie key t
removes the cookie of key key
from the Cookie
header of the request t
urlencoded key t
returns the first value associated to key
in the urlencoded body of the request t
. The function only returns the first value for the given key, because in the great majority of cases, there is only one parameter per key. If you want to return all the values associated to the key, you can use to_urlencoded
. If the key could not be found or if the request could not be parsed as urlencoded, None
is returned. Use urlencoded_exn
to raise an exception instead.
let request =
~body:[ "username", [ "admin" ]; "password", [ "password" ] ]
let username = Request.urlencoded "username" request
will be:
Some "admin"
urlencoded_exn key t
returns the first value associated to key
in the urlencoded body of the request t
. The function only returns the first value for the given key, because in the great majority of cases, there is only one parameter per key. If you want to return all the values associated to the key, you can use to_urlencoded
. If the key could not be found or if the request could not be parsed as urlencoded, an Invalid_argument
exception is raised. Use urlencoded
to return an option instead.
val query : string -> t -> string option
query key t
returns the first value associated to key
in the URI query parameters of the request t
. The function only returns the first value for the given key, because in the great majority of cases, there is only one parameter per key. If you want to return all the values associated to the key, you can use query_list
. If the key could not be found or if the request URI does not contain any query parameter, None
is returned. Use query_exn
to raise an exception instead.
let request = Request.make "/target?key=value" `GET
let query = Request.query "key" request
will be:
Some "value"
val query_exn : string -> t -> string
query_exn key t
returns the first value associated to key
in the URI query parameters of the request t
. The function only returns the first value for the given key, because in the great majority of cases, there is only one parameter per key. If you want to return all the values associated to the key, you can use to_urlencoded
. If the key could not be found or if the request URI does not contain any query parameter, an Invalid_argument
exception is raised. Use query
to return an option instead.
val query_list : t -> (string * string list) list
query_list key t
returns all the values associated to key
in the URI query parameters of the request t
. This function exist to offer a simple way to get all of the values associated to a key, but most of the time, there is only one value per key. If you're not specifically trying to decode a request with multiple values per key, it is recommended to use query
instead. If the key could not be found or if the request could not be parsed as query, an empty list is returned.
let request = Request.make "/target?key=value&key2=value2" `GET
let values = Request.query_list request
will be:
[ "key", [ "value" ]; "key2", [ "value2" ] ]
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
sexp_of_t t
converts the request t
to an s-expression
val key : string Opium.Hmap.key
val to_ctx : t -> Core.Ctx.t
to_ctx t
creates a context from a request t
val accepts_html : t -> bool
accepts_html t
returns true if the request t
has "Accept" "text/html".
val authorization_token : t -> string option
authorization_token t
returns the token that is stored in the "Authorization" header if it exists.
val is_get : t -> bool
is_get t
returns true if the request is a GET request .
val param : string -> t -> string option
param k t
returns the parameter in the path with the key k
of the request t
. The parameter path is extracted by the router, like /admin/users/:id
would have a parameter id
val params : string -> string -> t -> (string * string) option
params k1 k2 t
returns the parameters of the request t
val params3 :
string ->
string ->
string ->
t ->
(string * string * string) option
params3 k1 k2 k3 t
returns the parameters of the request t
val params4 :
string ->
string ->
string ->
string ->
t ->
(string * string * string * string) option
params4 k1 k2 k3 k4 t
returns the parameters of the request t
val params5 :
string ->
string ->
string ->
string ->
string ->
t ->
(string * string * string * string * string) option
params5 k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 t
returns the parameters of the request t