package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Usage
Module type
Class type

Use this module to create your own command line commands in order to interact with the Sihl app.

Services can register command with the command service. This is why a lot of services have a dependency on it. All the built-in commands are contributed by individual services using this mechanism. Examples for those commands are:

  • migrate is registered by the migration service and it runs the migrations
  • start is registered by the web server service and it starts the web server
  • createadmin is registered by the user service and it creates an admin user, useful to bootstrap your app so you have one user to log in

You can contribute your custom commands the same way to interact with your app through the CLI. This can be very handy for development and administration. You sometimes want to call services without going through the HTTP stack, authentication, validation and authorization layers.

type fn = Base.string Base.list -> Base.unit Lwt.t
val pp_fn : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> fn -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_fn : fn -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
exception Invalid_usage of Base.string
type t
val pp : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val make : name:Base.string -> ?help:Base.string -> description:Base.string -> fn:fn -> unit -> t
val fn : t -> fn
val description : t -> Base.string
val help : t -> Base.string Base.option
val name : t -> Base.string
val show : t -> string
module Service : sig ... end


This is how the command createadmin is implemented:

let create_admin_cmd =
  Cmd.make ~name:"createadmin" ~help:"<username> <email> <password>"
    ~description:"Create an admin user"
    ~fn:(fun args ->
      match args with
      | [ username; email; password ] ->
          let ctx = Core.Ctx.empty |> DbService.add_pool in
          User_service.create_admin ctx ~email ~password ~username:(Some username)
          |> ignore
      | _ -> "Usage: <username> <email> <password>")

let _ =
  |> with_services services
  |> with_commands [ create_admin_cmd ]
  |> run)

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