package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module provides the abstraction of a user that interacts with the Sihl ap. Use it to register new users, changes password, reset passwords and update user details.

User handling is a common task in web development, so Sihl comes with a minimal user model Sihl.User.t. Typically you need some kind of domain user, like a customer that has pizza orders assigned or a applicant that submits applications. This is something that you implement while referencing to Sihl.User.t.


{ module Repo = Sihl.Data.Repo.Service.Make () module Cmd = Sihl.Cmd.Service.Make () module Log = Sihl.Log.Service.Make () module Db = Sihl.Data.Db.Service (Config) (Log) module MigrationRepo = Sihl.Data.Migration.Service.Repo.MakeMariaDb (Db) module Migration = Sihl.Data.Migration.Service.Make (Log) (Cmd) (Db) (MigrationRepo) }

module Authz : sig ... end
module Seed : sig ... end
module PasswordReset : sig ... end
type t
val confirmed : t -> bool
val admin : t -> bool
val status : t -> string
val password : t -> string
val username : t -> string option
val email : t -> string
val id : t -> string
val created_at : t -> Ptime.t
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp : Caml.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val show : t -> string
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val alcotest : t Alcotest.testable
val confirm : t -> t
val set_user_password : t -> string -> (t, string) Stdlib.Result.t
val set_user_details : t -> email:string -> username:string option -> t
val is_admin : t -> bool
val is_owner : t -> string -> bool
val is_confirmed : t -> bool
val matches_password : string -> t -> bool
val validate_new_password : password:string -> password_confirmation:string -> password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Stdlib.Result.t) -> (unit, string) Stdlib.Result.t
val validate_change_password : t -> old_password:string -> new_password:string -> new_password_confirmation:string -> password_policy:(string -> (unit, string) Stdlib.Result.t) -> (unit, string) Stdlib.Result.t
val t : t Caqti_type.t


module Service : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.