package sihl-web

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val log_src : Logs.src
module Logs : Logs.LOG
type urlencoded = (string * string list) list
val urlencoded_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> urlencoded
val sexp_of_urlencoded : urlencoded -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
exception Urlencoded_not_found
val find_all : Opium.Request.t -> urlencoded
val find : String.t -> Opium.Request.t -> string option
val consume : Opium.Request.t -> String.t -> Opium.Request.t * string option

consume req key returns the value of the parsed urlencoded body for the key key and a request with an update context where the parsed urlencoded is missing the key key. The urlencoded value is returned and removed from the context, it is consumed. *

val m : unit -> Rock.Middleware.t

Innovation. Community. Security.