package sihl-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A module to manage the service container and service lifecycles.

The service container knows how to start services in the right order by respecting the defined dependencies. Use it to implement your own services.


Every service has a lifecycle, meaning it can be started and stopped. *

module Lifecycle : sig ... end


A service has a start and stop functions and a lifecycle. *

module Service : sig ... end
val start_services : Service.t list -> Lifecycle.t list Lwt.t

start_services lifecycles starts a list of service lifecycles. The order does not matter as the services are started in the order of their dependencies. (No service is started before its dependency)

val stop_services : Service.t list -> unit Lwt.t

stop_services ctx services stops a list of service lifecycles with a context ctx. The order does not matter as the services are stopped in the order of their dependencies. (No service is stopped after its dependency)

module Map : sig ... end
val collect_all_lifecycles : Lifecycle.t list -> Lifecycle.t Map.t
val top_sort_lifecycles : Lifecycle.t list -> Lifecycle.t list
val unpack : string -> ?default:'a -> 'a option ref -> 'a

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