package session-postgresql-lwt
Dune Dependency
ocaml-session is an session manager that handles cookie headers and backend storage for HTTP servers. The library supports CoHTTP and Webmachine; Async and Lwt; and pluggable backing stores based on a functor interface.
Install the library and its depenencies via OPAM:
opam install session
Basic Usage
Below is a simplified implementation of session-based user authentication, one of the most common use-cases of sessions. The server will respond with 401 Unauthorized
for every path until the client visits /authenticate
, after which all paths will respond with 200 OK
module Session = struct
module Backend = Session_postgresql_lwt
include Session
include Session_cohttp_lwt.Make(Backend)
open Result
let cookie_key = "__session"
let callback conn { Request.headers; uri } body =
Session.of_header backend cookie_key headers
>>= function
| Ok (Some session) when authorized session ->
Server.respond ~status:`OK ()
| _ ->
if Uri.path = "/authenticate" then
let session = Session.generate backend "<user_id>" in
let headers = Header.of_list (Session.to_cookie_hdrs cookie_key session) in
Server.respond ~headers ~status:`OK ()
Server.respond ~status:`Unauthorized ()
There are additional examples for both CoHTTP and webmachine in the examples subdirectory of this project. These examples use a session to count the number of HTTP requests that the server has received from a client. To build them, reconfigure the build to enable examples, an i/o library of our choice (e.g., Async or Lwt), as well as the library you're using to build your server (e.g., CoHTTP or Webmachine):
./configure --enable-examples --enable-async --enable-cohttp
To install development versions of the library, pin the package from the root of the repository:
opam pin add .
You can install the latest changes by committing them to the local git repository and running:
opam upgrade session
For building and running the tests during development, you will need to install the oUnit
package and reconfigure the build process to enable tests:
opam install oUnit
./configure --enable-tests
make && make test
BSD3, see LICENSE file for its text.