Module type
Class type
PostgreSQL backend using the Session.S.Future
signature with Async.
The default expiry period is one week. The code expects the following table and index to be in pace:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS session ( session_key char(40), expire_date timestamp (2) with time zone, session_data text ); CREATE INDEX session_key_idx ON session (session_key);
Note that this module does not do utilize non-blocking IO but instead runs each synchronous operation in a thread.
include Session.S.Future
with type t = Postgresql.connection
and type +'a io = 'a Async.Deferred.t
and type key = string
and type value = string
and type period = int64
type !'a io = 'a Async.Deferred.t
val connect :
?host:string ->
?hostaddr:string ->
?port:string ->
?dbname:string ->
?user:string ->
?password:string ->
?options:string ->
?tty:string ->
?requiressl:string ->
?conninfo:string ->
?startonly:bool ->
unit ->
t Async.Deferred.t
Create a connection to a postgresql database.
This is an alias for the connection constructor. If you have an existing connection to a database with the appropriate tables set up, you are more than welcome to use it.
set_default_period t period
sets the default expiry period of t
. This will only affect future operations.
module Pool : sig ... end
PostgreSQL backend using the Session.S.Future
siganture with Aysnc, together with connection pooling via a Throttle