package session-cookie

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The signature for a cookie session manager.

type +'a io

The type of a blocking computation that will produce a value of type 'a

type backend

The type of a handle on the store.

type key

The type of a session key.

type value

The type of a session value.

type period

The type of a session expiry period.

type t = private {
  1. key : key;

    They key for the session in the backend and in cookies.

  2. mutable value : value;

    The value for the session stored in the backend.

  3. mutable expiry_period : period;

    The period from now in seconds that the session will expire.

  4. mutable modified : bool;

    Whether the session data or expiry have been modified


The session type.

This type is marked private, so the record fields can be accessed and pattern-matched as usual. However, values of this type cannot be constructed directly. To create a new session, use generate. To retrieve an existing session, use of_key or of_header. To modify t.expiry_period or t.value, use set. Finally, use to_cookie_hdrs to smartly generate Set-Cookie and related headers.

val of_key : backend -> key -> (t, Session.S.error) result io

of_key backend key fetches the session associated with key from the backend, if present and unexpired.

val of_header : backend -> string -> Cookie.header -> (t option, Session.S.error) result io

of_header backend cookie_key header retrieves the session key from the cookies in header. If cookie_key is not present in any cookies in header, then this function will return None. If a session key is found, it will call {!val:of_key} backend key. If both lookups were successful, then this function will return Some session. If no key was found in header, it will return None.

val of_header_or_create : ?expiry:period -> backend -> string -> value -> Cookie.header -> t io

of_header_or_create ?expiry backend cookie_key default header retrieves the session key from the cookies in header. If cookie_key is not present in any cookies in the header or if the session is not a valid one, a new session will be using expiry for the expiration period and default as the value.

to_cookie_hdrs cookie_key session will generate response headers to communicate session changes to the client. This function takes into account the t.modified field of the session type, and will not generate headers if they are not needed.

val clear_hdrs : ?path:string -> ?domain:string -> string -> (string * string) list

clear_hdrs cookie_key will generate response headers to communicate that the client should evict the session with key cookie_key.

val generate : ?expiry:period -> backend -> value -> t io

generate ?expiry backend value will allocate a new session in the backend backend. The session will expire expiry seconds from now, defaulting to default_period backend if one is not explicitly specified.

val clear : backend -> t -> unit io

clear backend session removes session from backend. The backend may choose to persist the session value beyond this call, but any subsequent operations involving key should behave as if key is not present in the backend.

The value and t.expiry_period of session will be zero'd out, and the t.modified flag will be set. Calling to_cookie_hdrs on a cleared session will generate the appropriate headers directing the client to clear the associated cookie.

val set : ?expiry:period -> ?value:value -> backend -> t -> unit io

set ?expiry ?value backend session sets the value for the session associated key in backend and sets the session to expire expiry seconds from now. If expiry is not provided, the expiry period reported by default_period backend will be used instead. If no value is provided, then only the expiry will be updated.


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