package serde

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ('value, 'error) t = {
  1. next_key : 'key. deser_key: (unit -> ('key, 'error Error.de_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('key option, 'error Error.de_error) Stdlib.result;
  2. next_value : 'field. deser_value: (unit -> ('field, 'error Error.de_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('field option, 'error Error.de_error) Stdlib.result;
val next_key : ('a, [> `Duplicate_field of string | `Invalid_field_index of int | `Invalid_variant_index of int | `Message of string | `Missing_field of string | `Unexpected_exception of exn | `Unimplemented of string | `Unknown_field of string | `Unknown_variant of string ] as 'b) t -> deser_key:(unit -> ('c, 'b Error.de_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('c option, 'b Error.de_error) Stdlib.result
val next_value : ('a, [> `Duplicate_field of string | `Invalid_field_index of int | `Invalid_variant_index of int | `Message of string | `Missing_field of string | `Unexpected_exception of exn | `Unimplemented of string | `Unknown_field of string | `Unknown_variant of string ] as 'b) t -> deser_value:(unit -> ('c, 'b Error.de_error) Stdlib.result) -> ('c option, 'b Error.de_error) Stdlib.result

Innovation. Community. Security.