Module type
Class type
M is a module which contains a specialised subset of the functions from the Stdlib.Seq module. Specifically, it contains those functions which take a function as parameter (e.g., map but not length). Moreover, those parameter functions' return type is specialised to be within the mon monad. E.g., given module SeqMon = Make2(Mon) then SeqMon.M.map has type ('a -> ('b, 'e) Mon.t) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('b, 'e) t and SeqMon.M.iter has type ('a -> (unit, 'e) mon) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) mon.
See the documentation of Sigs2.SEQMON2TRANSFORMERS for more details.
val equal :
('a->'b->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)t->(bool, 'e)Mon.t
val compare :
('a->'b->(int, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)t->(int, 'e)Mon.t
val iter : ('a->(unit, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->(unit, 'e)Mon.t
val fold_left :
('a->'b->('a, 'e)Mon.t)->'a->('b, 'e)t->('a, 'e)Mon.t
val iteri : (int ->'a->(unit, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->(unit, 'e)Mon.t
val fold_lefti :
('b->int ->'a->('b, 'e)Mon.t)->'b->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)Mon.t
val for_all : ('a->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->(bool, 'e)Mon.t
val exists : ('a->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->(bool, 'e)Mon.t
val find : ('a->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('a option, 'e)Mon.t
val find_map :
('a->('b option, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b option, 'e)Mon.t
val iter2 :
('a->'b->(unit, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)t->(unit, 'e)Mon.t
val fold_left2 :
('a->'b->'c->('a, 'e)Mon.t)->'a->('b, 'e)t->('c, 'e)t->('a, 'e)Mon.t
val for_all2 :
('a->'b->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)t->(bool, 'e)Mon.t
val exists2 :
('a->'b->(bool, 'e)Mon.t)->('a, 'e)t->('b, 'e)t->(bool, 'e)Mon.t