package sd_logic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Robot_state_history end
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val create : ?default_length:int -> ?sd_lengths:(Sd.Packed.t, int, Sd.Packed.comparator_witness) Core.Map.t -> unit -> t
val nth_state : t -> int -> Robot_state.t option

nth_state t i returns Some of the ith most recent state from t, or None if t doesn't have more than i states. O(log(n)) time complexity in length of t.

val curr_state : t -> Robot_state.t

get_current_state t is equivalent to get_state 0. O(1) time complexity.

val add_empty_state : t -> t

add_state t state adds state to t. O(log(n)) time complexity in length of t.

val add_state : t -> Robot_state.t -> t
val use : t -> ?to_use:Sd.set option -> Robot_state.t -> t

use t state replaces the current state with Robot_state.use (curr_state t) state

val use_extras : t -> Robot_state.t -> t
val find : t -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a option

find t sd is equivilant to Robot_state.find (curr_state t) sd

val find_exn : t -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a
val find_past : t -> int -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a option

find_past t n sd is equivalent to Robot_state.find (nth_state t n) sd

val find_past_exn : t -> int -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a
val find_past_def : t -> default:'a -> int -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a
val find_past_last_def : t -> int -> 'a Sd.t -> 'a option
val mem : t -> 'a Sd.t -> bool

mem t sd is equivilant to Robot_state.mem (curr_state t) sd

val mem_past : t -> int -> 'a Sd.t -> bool option

mem_past t n sd is equivilant to Robot_state.mem (nth_state t n) sd

val memp : t -> Sd.Packed.t -> bool

memp t sd is equivilant to Robot_state.memp (curr_state t) sd

val memp_past : t -> int -> Sd.Packed.t -> bool option

memp_past t n sd is equivilant to Robot_state.memp (nth_state t n) sd

val max_length : t -> int

max_length t returns the maximum length of t. O(1) time complexity.

val length : t -> int

length t returns the length of t. O(n) time complexity in the length of t.


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