Module type
Class type
Lock-free multi-producer multi-consumer Treiber stack.
All functions are lock-free. It is the recommended starting point when needing a LIFO structure.
val create : unit -> 'a t
create ()
creates a new empty Treiber stack.
val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t
of_list list
creates a new Treiber stack from a list.
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
is_empty stack
returns true
if the stack
is empty, otherwise false
val peek_exn : 'a t -> 'a
peek_exn stack
returns the top element of the stack
without removing it.
val peek_opt : 'a t -> 'a option
peek_opt stack
returns Some
of the top element of the stack
without removing it, or None
if the stack
is empty.
val pop_exn : 'a t -> 'a
pop_exn stack
removes and returns the top element of the stack
val pop_opt : 'a t -> 'a option
pop_opt stack
removes and returns Some
of the top element of the stack
, or None
if the stack
is empty.
val drop_exn : 'a t -> unit
drop_exn stack
removes the top element of the stack
val pop_all : 'a t -> 'a list
pop_all stack
removes and returns all elements of the stack
in LIFO order.
# open Saturn.Stack
# let t : int t = create ()
val t : int t = <abstr>
# push t 1
- : unit = ()
# push t 2
- : unit = ()
# push t 3
- : unit = ()
# pop_all t
- : int list = [3; 2; 1]
val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
push stack element
adds element
to the top of the stack
val push_all : 'a t -> 'a list -> unit
push_all stack elements
adds all elements
to the top of the stack
๐ This is a linear-time operation on the size of elements
# let t : int t = create ()
val t : int t = <abstr>
# push_all t [1; 2; 3; 4]
- : unit = ()
# pop_opt t
- : int option = Some 4
# pop_opt t
- : int option = Some 3
# pop_all t
- : int list = [2; 1]
With Sequences
to_seq stack
takes a snapshot of stack
and returns its value top to bottom.
๐ This is a linear time operation.
of_seq seq
creates a stack from a seq
. It must be finite.
๐ This is a linear-time operation.
add_seq stack seq
adds all elements of seq
to the top of the stack
. seq
must be finite.
๐ This is a linear-time operation on the size of elements
An example top-level session:
# open Saturn.Stack
# let t : int t = create ()
val t : int t = <abstr>
# push t 42
- : unit = ()
# push_all t [1; 2; 3]
- : unit = ()
# pop_exn t
- : int = 3
# peek_opt t
- : int option = Some 2
# pop_all t
- : int list = [2; 1; 42]
# pop_exn t
Exception: Saturn__Treiber_stack.Empty.
Note: The barrier is used in this example solely to make the results more interesting by increasing the likelihood of parallelism. Spawning a domain is a costly operation, especially compared to the relatively small amount of work being performed here. In practice, using a barrier in this manner is unnecessary.
# open Saturn.Stack
# let t : int t = create ()
val t : int t = <abstr>
# let barrier = Atomic.make 2
val barrier : int Atomic.t = <abstr>
# let pusher () =
Atomic.decr barrier;
while Atomic.get barrier != 0 do Domain.cpu_relax () done;
push_all t [1;2;3] |> ignore;
push t 42;
push t 12
val pusher : unit -> unit = <fun>
# let popper () =
Atomic.decr barrier;
while Atomic.get barrier != 0 do Domain.cpu_relax () done;
List.init 6 (fun i -> Domain.cpu_relax (); pop_opt t)
val popper : unit -> int option list = <fun>
# let domain_pusher = Domain.spawn pusher
val domain_pusher : unit Domain.t = <abstr>
# let domain_popper = Domain.spawn popper
val domain_popper : int option list Domain.t = <abstr>
# Domain.join domain_pusher
- : unit = ()
# Domain.join domain_popper
- : int option list = [Some 42; Some 3; Some 2; Some 1; None; Some 12]