package rpc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The RPC module type is the standard module signature that the various specialization modules must conform to.

type implementation

The implementation is dependent on the module, and represents the 'result' of the entire module. For example, in the Server module, the `implementation` is the server function, with type -> Rpc.response.

For the Client module, the individual declarations are used to perform the RPCs, and the 'implementation' type is simply unit.

To actually construct the implementation, an interface description must be provided

type 'a res

'a res is the result type of declaring a function. For example, the Client module, given an (int -> int -> int) fn, will return a function of type 'a - in this case, (int -> int -> int)

type ('a, 'b) comp

This is for inserting a type in between the function application and its result. For example, this could be an Lwt.t, meaning that the result of a function application is a thread

type _ fn

The GADT specifying the type of the RPC

val (@->) : 'a Param.t -> 'b fn -> ('a -> 'b) fn

This infix operator is for constructing function types

val returning : 'a Param.t -> 'b Error.t -> ('a, 'b) comp fn

This defines the return type of an RPC

val declare : string -> string list -> 'a fn -> 'a res

declare name description typ is how an RPC is declared to the module implementing the functionality. The return type is dependent upon the module being used


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