package riot

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type io_error = [
  1. | `Connection_closed
  2. | `Exn of exn
  3. | `No_info
  4. | `Unix_error of Unix.error
  5. | `Noop
  6. | `Eof
  7. | `Closed
  8. | `Process_down
  9. | `Timeout
  10. | `Would_block
type ('ok, 'err) io_result = ('ok, [> io_error ] as 'err) result
val pp_err : Format.formatter -> [< io_error ] -> unit
module Iovec : sig ... end
module type Write = sig ... end
module Writer : sig ... end
module type Read = sig ... end
module Reader : sig ... end
val read : 'a Reader.t -> ?timeout:int64 -> bytes -> (int, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val read_vectored : 'a Reader.t -> Iovec.t -> (int, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val read_to_end : 'a Reader.t -> buf:Buffer.t -> (int, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val write_all : 'a Writer.t -> buf:string -> (unit, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val write_owned_vectored : 'a Writer.t -> bufs:Iovec.t -> (int, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val write_all_vectored : 'a Writer.t -> bufs:Iovec.t -> (unit, [> `Closed ]) io_result
val flush : 'a Writer.t -> (unit, [> `Closed ]) io_result
module Cstruct : sig ... end
module Bytes : sig ... end
module Buffer : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.