package riot

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Log = Log
module Net = Net
include module type of struct include Core end
module Mailbox = Core.Mailbox
module Message = Core.Message
module Pid = Core.Pid
module Proc_effect = Core.Proc_effect
module Proc_queue = Core.Proc_queue
module Proc_registry = Core.Proc_registry
module Proc_set = Core.Proc_set
module Proc_state = Core.Proc_state
module Proc_table = Core.Proc_table
module Process = Core.Process
module Ref = Core.Ref
module Scheduler_uid = Core.Scheduler_uid
val trace_send : (Core.Pid.t -> Core.Process.t -> Core.Message.t -> unit) -> unit
val trace_proc_run : (int -> Core.Process.t -> unit) -> unit
val _get_pool : unit -> Scheduler.pool
val _get_sch : unit -> Scheduler.t
val _get_proc : Core.Pid.t -> Core.Process.t
val self : unit -> Core.Pid.t
val syscall : string -> [ `r | `rw | `w ] -> Util.Fd.t -> (Util.Fd.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val receive : ?ref:unit Core.Ref.t -> unit -> Core.Message.t
val yield : unit -> unit
val random : unit -> Stdlib.Random.State.t
val sleep : float -> unit
val process_flag : Core.Process.process_flag -> unit
val exit : Core.Pid.t -> Core.Process.exit_reason -> unit
val send : Core.Pid.t -> Core.Message.t -> unit
exception Invalid_destination of string
val send_by_name : name:string -> Core.Message.t -> unit
val _spawn : ?do_link:bool -> Scheduler.pool -> Scheduler.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> Core.Pid.t
val spawn : (unit -> 'a) -> Core.Pid.t
val monitor : Core.Pid.t -> Core.Pid.t -> unit
val register : string -> Core.Pid.t -> unit
val unregister : string -> unit
val processes : unit -> (Core.Pid.t * Core.Process.t) Stdlib.Seq.t
val is_process_alive : Core.Pid.t -> bool
val wait_pids : Core.Pid.t list -> unit
module Timer : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Util end
module Dashmap = Util.Dashmap
module Fd = Util.Fd
module Lf_queue = Util.Lf_queue
module Thread_local = Util.Thread_local
module Uid = Util.Uid
include module type of struct include Core.Proc_registry.Exn end
exception Name_already_registered of string * Core.Pid.t

Innovation. Community. Security.