package rfsm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type date = int
type dir =
  1. | IO_In
  2. | IO_Out
  3. | IO_Inout
module VarSet : Stdlib.Set.S with type elt = string
module Index : sig ... end
type typ =
  1. | TyEvent
  2. | TyBool
  3. | TyEnum of name * string list

    Name, list of values

  4. | TyInt of siz
  5. | TyFloat
  6. | TyChar
  7. | TyArray of Index.t * typ

    size, subtype

  8. | TyVar of typ var

    Internal use only

  9. | TyArrow of typ * typ

    Internal use only

  10. | TyProduct of typ list

    Internal use only

  11. | TyRecord of name * (string * typ) list

    Name, fields

and siz =
  1. | SzExpr1 of Index.t

    For ints: bit width, for arrays: dimension

  2. | SzExpr2 of Index.t * Index.t

    For ints: range, for arrays: dimensions

  3. | SzVar of siz var
and name =
  1. | NmLit of string
  2. | NmVar of name var
and 'a var = {
  1. stamp : string;
  2. mutable value : 'a value;
and 'a value =
  1. | Unknown
  2. | Known of 'a
type typ_scheme = {
  1. ts_tparams : typ var list;
  2. ts_sparams : siz var list;
  3. ts_body : typ;
val make_var : unit -> 'a var
val new_type_var : unit -> typ
val new_size_var : unit -> siz
val new_name_var : unit -> name
val real_type : typ -> typ
val real_size : siz -> siz
val real_name : name -> name
val no_type : typ
val type_int : int list -> typ


exception TypeConflict of typ * typ
exception TypeCircularity of typ * typ


val is_event_type : typ -> bool

is_event_type t is true iff t=TyEvent

val ivars_of : typ -> string list

ivars_of t returns the list of index variables occuring in type t

val enums_of : typ -> (string * typ) list

tycons_of t returns the list of enum constructors occuring in type t, with the associated type

val size_of : typ -> int

size_of t returns the "size" of type

val subtype_of : typ -> typ

subtype (TyArray (sz,ty') returns the ty', ...

val is_lit_name : name -> bool

is_lit_name n returns true iff n=NmLit _


val subst_indexes : Index.env -> typ -> typ

subst_indexes env t substitutes all index variables listed in env in type t

val type_equal : strict:bool -> typ -> typ -> bool

type_equal b t t' returns true iff types t and t' are "equivalent". If b=true, equivalence means structural equivalence (so that, for instance, TyInt None is different from TyInt (Some (lo,hi). If b=false, all TyInt _ are equivalents and equivalence of enumerated types means inclusion, so that, for instance, type_equal ~strict:false {On,Off} {On} = true (but not the other way).

val unify : typ -> typ -> unit
val type_instance : typ_scheme -> typ


val string_of_type_scheme : typ_scheme -> string
val string_of_type : ?szvars:bool -> typ -> string
val string_of_name : name -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.