package rfsm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The simulator

exception Error of string
type config = {
  1. mutable max_micro_reactions : int;
val cfg : config
type stimulus = Dynamic.loc * Expr.value
type response = Dynamic.loc * Expr.value
type reaction = * string * Stimuli.stimuli list * response list * string
type context = {
  1. c_date :;
  2. c_inputs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  3. c_outputs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  4. c_fns : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  5. c_csts : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  6. c_vars : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  7. c_evs : (string * (Types.typ * Expr.value)) list;
  8. c_fsms : Dynamic.fsm list * Dynamic.fsm list;
exception OverReaction of
val react : -> context -> stimulus list -> context * response list

react t ctx stimuli computes a global reaction in ctx at time t given a set of stimuli stimuli, producing an updated context ctx' and a set of responses resps. The (operational) semantics is that of StateCharts. A reaction is viewed as a (finite) sequence of "micro-reactions". Each micro-reaction can generate stimuli which can trigger another micro-reaction (the related stimuli are here called "reentrant". However, a given FSM can only react once during a sequence of micro-reactions (this is implemented by partitionning FSMs into active/inactive subsets during a reaction. A reaction ends when all the micro-reactions have taken place, i.e. when the last one did not produce any further re-entrant stimulus.

val run : Static.t -> context * ( * response list) list

run m runs a simulation of system m, returning the final context and a list of timed responses


val dump_context : context -> unit
val dump_reaction : (int * Dynamic.event list) -> unit

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