Module type
Class type
module Media_type :
module type of struct include Resto_cohttp.Media_type.Make(Encoding) end
type callback =
Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.conn ->
Cohttp.Request.t ->
Cohttp_lwt.Body.t ->
Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.response_action Lwt.t
A callback passed to Cohttp_lwt_unix.Server.make_response_action
. Callbacks are exposed in order to give users a way to modify the arguments of the callback used to launch the server, or add some behaviour.
val init_server :
?cors:Resto_cohttp.Cors.t ->
?agent:string ->
?acl:Resto_acl.Acl.t ->
media_types:Media_type.t list ->
unit Directory.t ->
Initializes the server
resto_callback server
is the default callback for resto. It can be used as is so the server simply handles requests. For example:
let server = Server.init_server ~media_types directory in
let callback = Server.resto_callback server in
Server.launch server ~callback (`TCP (`Port port))
Which, as resto_callback
is the default, is equivalent to:
let server = Server.init_server ~media_types directory in
Server.launch server (`TCP (`Port port))
Optionally, it can be transformed in order to provide additional functionalities. For example:
let server = Server.init_server ~media_types directory in
let callback = Server.resto_callback server in
let auth_callback conn req bod =
if check_auth req bod then
callback con req bod
else Lwt.return @@ `Response ... (* some form of response with 401 or 403 *)
Server.launch server ~callback:auth_callback (`TCP (`Port port)) >>= fun () ->
val launch :
?host:string ->
server ->
?callback:callback ->
Conduit_lwt_unix.server ->
unit Lwt.t
launch server callback listening_protocol
starts the given resto server
initiating the listening loop using the listening_protocol
. Each query will be treated using the given callback
http handler.
val init_and_launch :
?host:string ->
?cors:Resto_cohttp.Cors.t ->
?agent:string ->
?acl:Resto_acl.Acl.t ->
media_types:Media_type.t list ->
unit Directory.t ->
Conduit_lwt_unix.server ->
unit Lwt.t
Initializes the server using the given arguments and starts it using resto_callback
http handler. This is a condensed form of init_server
, resto_callback
, and launch
val set_acl : server -> Resto_acl.Acl.t -> unit
configure the access list for this server
val shutdown : server -> unit Lwt.t
Kill an RPC server.