package resource_cache

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type



module Status : Cache.Status_intf with type Key.t = R.Key.t
type t
val init : config:Cache.Config.t -> R.Common_args.t -> t
val status : t -> Status.t
val config : t -> Cache.Config.t
val with_ : ?open_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?give_up:unit Async.Deferred.t -> t -> R.Key.t -> f:(R.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> 'a Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

with_ t key ~f calls f resource where resource is either:

1) An existing cached resource that was opened with key' such that R.Key.equal key key' 2) A newly opened resource created by R.open_ key common_args, respecting the limits of t.config

Returns an error if:

  • the cache is closed
  • R.open_ returned an error
  • no resource is obtained before give_up is determined

If f raises, the exception is not caught, but the resource will be closed and the Cache will remain in a working state (no resources are lost).

val with_' : ?open_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?give_up:unit Async.Deferred.t -> t -> R.Key.t -> f:(R.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> [ `Ok of 'a | `Gave_up_waiting_for_resource | `Error_opening_resource of Core.Error.t | `Cache_is_closed ] Async.Deferred.t

Like with_ but classify the different errors

val with_any : ?open_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?give_up:unit Async.Deferred.t -> t -> R.Key.t list -> f:(R.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> (R.Key.t * 'a) Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

Like with_ and with_' except f is run on the first matching available resource (or the first resource that has availability to be opened). Preference is given towards those earlier in args_list when possible

val with_any' : ?open_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?give_up:unit Async.Deferred.t -> t -> R.Key.t list -> f:(R.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> [ `Ok of R.Key.t * 'a | `Error_opening_resource of R.Key.t * Core.Error.t | `Gave_up_waiting_for_resource | `Cache_is_closed ] Async.Deferred.t
val with_any_loop : ?open_timeout:Core.Time.Span.t -> ?give_up:unit Async.Deferred.t -> t -> R.Key.t list -> f:(R.t -> 'a Async.Deferred.t) -> [ `Ok of R.Key.t * 'a | `Error_opening_all_resources of (R.Key.t * Core.Error.t) list | `Gave_up_waiting_for_resource | `Cache_is_closed ] Async.Deferred.t

Tries with_any' in a loop (removing args that have open errors) until receiving an `Ok, or until it has failed to open all resources in args_list.

val close_started : t -> bool
val close_finished : t -> unit Async.Deferred.t
val close_and_flush : t -> unit Async.Deferred.t

Close all currently open resources and prevent the creation of new ones. All subsequent calls to with_ and immediate fail with `Cache_is_closed. Any jobs that are waiting for a connection will return with `Cache_is_closed. The returned Deferred.t is determined when all jobs have finished running and all resources have been closed.


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