package regenerate

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a regex = 'a Regex.t
module Regex : sig ... end
module Word : sig ... end
module Segments = Segments
module type SIGMA = sig ... end
module Make (Word : Word.S) (Segment : Segments.S with type elt = Word.t) (Sigma : sig ... end) : sig ... end
val arbitrary : (module Word.S with type char = 'a and type t = 'b) -> (module Segments.S with type elt = 'b) -> ?skip:int -> compl:bool -> pp:'a Fmt.t -> samples:int -> 'a list -> ('a Regex.t * 'b list * 'b list) QCheck.arbitrary
val parse : string -> (char Regex.t, [> `Not_supported | `Parse_error ]) Stdlib.result

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