package refl
module Record : sig ... end
module Field : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Record end
type ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
t =
Record.t =
structure : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) Refl__.Desc.record_structure;
values : 'types;
val map :
'a_types 'b_types 'structures 'gadt. ('a_arity,
[> `Poly of unit ] as 'a,
map ->
Refl__.Desc.record_structure ->
Refl__.Desc.record_structure ->
'a_types ->
module Fields : sig ... end
module Records : sig ... end
type ('index, 'structure, 'structures, 'arities, 'records, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadts)
structure_find =
| Structure_find : {
section : ([ `Succ of 'index ], 'records, 'section, 'others) Section.t;
items : ('section, 'structure, 'arities, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadts) Fields.t;
others : ('others, 'structures, 'arities, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadts) Records.t;
} -> ('index, 'structure, 'structures, 'arities, 'records, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadts) structure_find
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"