package refl
type ('a, 'b, 'c) builtin_desc =
| Bool : (bool, [ `Bool ], [> `Bool ]) builtin_desc
| Bytes : (bytes, [ `Bytes ], [> `Bytes ]) builtin_desc
| Char : (char, [ `Char ], [> `Char ]) builtin_desc
| Float : (float, [ `Float ], [> `Float ]) builtin_desc
| Int : (int, [ `Int ], [> `Int ]) builtin_desc
| Int32 : (int32, [ `Int32 ], [> `Int32 ]) builtin_desc
| Int64 : (int64, [ `Int64 ], [> `Int64 ]) builtin_desc
| Nativeint : (nativeint, [ `Nativeint ], [> `Nativeint ]) builtin_desc
| String : (string, [ `String ], [> `String ]) builtin_desc
type ('index, 'items, 'value, 'tail) binary_selection =
| BinaryStart : ([ `Start ], 'sequence, _, 'sequence) binary_selection
| Zero : ('index, 'sequence, _, 'zero * 'one) binary_selection -> ([ `Zero of 'index ], 'sequence, _, 'zero) binary_selection
| One : ('index, 'sequence, _, 'zero * 'one) binary_selection -> ([ `One of 'index ], 'sequence, _, 'one) binary_selection
| Select : ('index, 'sequence, _, 'contents ref) binary_selection -> ([ `Select of 'index ], 'sequence, 'contents, unit) binary_selection
type 'cases binary_choice =
| CEnd : 'types -> 'types ref binary_choice
| CZero : 'cases binary_choice -> ('cases * _) binary_choice
| COne : 'cases binary_choice -> (_ * 'cases) binary_choice
module type UnaryTypeS = sig ... end
module Delay : sig ... end
module Delays : sig ... end
type ('gadt, 'sub_gadt) sub_gadt = {
sub_gadt_ext : ('gadt, 'sub_gadt) sub_gadt_ext;
sub_gadt_functional : 'gadt 'sub_gadt0 'sub_gadt1. ('gadt, 'sub_gadt0) sub_gadt_ext -> ('gadt, 'sub_gadt1) sub_gadt_ext -> ('sub_gadt0, 'sub_gadt1) eq;
type ('count, 'local, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'positives, 'negatives, 'directs, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect)
subvariables =
presences : ('local, 'directs) presences;
positive_count : ('count, 'positives) length;
positive : ('positives, 'positive, 'subpositive) append;
negative_count : ('count, 'negatives) length;
negative : ('negatives, 'negative, 'subnegative) append;
direct_count : ('count, 'directs) length;
direct : ('directs, 'direct, 'subdirect) append;
module Kinds : sig ... end
type ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
desc =
| Variable : ('index, 'arity, 'a, 'positive, 'direct) variable -> ('a, [ `Variable of 'index ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Variable ], 'positive, _, 'direct, _) desc
| Builtin : ('a, 'structure, 'kinds) builtin_desc -> ('a, [ `Builtin of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, _, _, _, _) desc
| Array : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'negative, 'positive, 'negative, 'gadt) desc -> ('a array, [ `Array of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Array ] as 'kinds, 'negative, 'positive, 'negative, 'gadt) desc
| Arrow : {
parameter : ('a, 'a_structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'negative, 'positive, 'negative, 'gadt) desc;
result : ('b, 'b_structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'positive, 'gadt) desc;
} -> ('a -> 'b, [ `Arrow of 'a_structure -> 'b_structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Arrow ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, _, 'gadt) desc
| LabelledArrow : {
label : string;
optional : bool;
parameter : ('a, 'a_structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'negative, 'positive, 'negative, 'gadt) desc;
result : ('b, 'b_structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'positive, 'gadt) desc;
wrap : ('a -> 'b) -> 'arrow;
unwrap : 'arrow -> 'a -> 'b;
} -> ('arrow, [ `LabelledArrow of 'a_structure -> 'b_structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Arrow ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, _, 'gadt) desc
| Constr : {
constructors : ('cases, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructors;
construct : 'cases binary_choice -> 'a;
destruct : 'a -> 'cases binary_choice;
} -> ('a, [ `Constr of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Constr ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Variant : {
constructors : ((_ * _) as 'cases, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructors;
construct : 'cases choice -> 'a;
destruct : 'a -> 'cases choice;
} -> ('a, [ `Variant of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Variant ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Tuple : {
structure : ((_ * (_ * _)) as 'types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) tuple_structure;
construct : 'types -> 'a;
destruct : 'a -> 'types;
} -> ('a, [ `Tuple of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Tuple ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Record : {
structure : ((_ * _) as 'types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_structure;
construct : 'types -> 'a;
destruct : 'a -> 'types;
} -> ('a, [ `Record of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Record ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Object : {
methods : ('methods, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_methods;
construct : 'methods Delays.t -> 'a;
destruct : 'a -> 'methods Delays.t;
} -> (< .. > as 'a, [ `Object of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Object ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Lazy : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc -> ('a Lazy.t, [ `Lazy of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Lazy ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Apply : {
arguments : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'variables, 'gadt) vector;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'types, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt) desc;
transfer : ('positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'variables) transfer;
} -> ('a, [ `Apply of 'structure * 'structures * 'subpositive * 'subnegative * 'subdirect * 'variables ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| MapOpaque : {
} -> ('a, [ `MapOpaque of 'structure * 'direct ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `MapOpaque ], 'positive, 'negative, _, 'gadt) desc
| Opaque : ([ `Succ of 'index ], 'gadt, 'a, _) selection -> ('a, [ `Opaque of 'index ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Opaque ], 'positive, 'negative, _, 'gadt) desc
| Rec : {
index : ([ `Select of 'index ], 'rec_group, 'length * 'structure, _) binary_selection;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `Rec of 'index ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| RecGroup : {
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'new_rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `RecGroup of 'structure * 'new_rec_group ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| SelectGADT : {
index : ([ `Succ of 'index ], 'gadt, 'sub_gadt, _) selection;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'sub_gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `SelectGADT of 'structure * 'index ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| SubGADT : {
sub_gadt : ('gadt, 'sub_gadt) sub_gadt;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'sub_gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `SubGADT of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Attributes : {
attributes : ('a, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) attributes;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `Attributes of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Attributes ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc
| Name : {
name : string;
refl : 'a refl;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'sub_gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `Name of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'sub_gadt) desc
and ('cases, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
constructors =
| CLeaf : ('types_and_eqs, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor -> ('types_and_eqs ref, 'structure ref, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructors
| CNode : {
zero : ('cases0, 'structures0, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructors;
one : ('cases1, 'structures1, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructors;
} -> ('cases0 * 'cases1, 'structures0 * 'structures1, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructors
and ('types_and_eqs, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
constructor =
| Constructor : {
name : string;
kind : ('types, 'structure_types, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor_kind;
eqs : ('eqs, 'structure_eqs, 'kinds, 'gadt) constructor_eqs;
attributes : ('types, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) attributes;
} -> ('types * 'eqs, [ `Constructor of 'structure_types * 'structure_eqs ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor
| Exists : {
name : string;
selection : ([ `Succ of 'index ], 'gadt, 'constraints, _) selection;
presence : ('kinds, 'local) presence;
variables : ('count, 'local, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'positives, 'negatives, 'directs, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect) subvariables;
construct : 'exists 'subarity. ('count, 'exists) length -> ('constraints, 'exists) gadt_constraints -> ('exists, 'arity, 'subarity) append -> ('value, 'structure, 'subarity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt) exists_construct;
destruct : 'value -> ('count, 'constraints, 'value, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt) exists_destruct;
} -> ('value, [ `Exists of 'index * 'count * 'structure * 'local * 'positives * 'negatives * 'directs ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Exists ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor
and ('value, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
exists_construct =
| ExistsConstruct : {
kind : ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor_kind;
construct : 'types -> 'value;
} -> ('value, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) exists_construct
and ('count, 'constraints, 'value, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
exists_destruct =
| ExistsDestruct : {
exists_count : ('count, 'exists) length;
exists : ('exists, 'arity, 'subarity) append;
constraints : ('constraints, 'exists) gadt_constraints;
kind : ('types, 'structure, 'subarity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor_kind;
values : 'types;
} -> ('count, 'constraints, 'value, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) exists_destruct
and ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
constructor_kind =
| CTuple : ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) tuple_structure -> ('types, [ `Tuple of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor_kind
| CRecord : ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_structure -> ('types, [ `Record of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) constructor_kind
and ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
tuple_structure =
| TNil : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) tuple_structure
| TCons : {
head : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
tail : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) tuple_structure;
} -> ('a * 'types, 'structure * 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) tuple_structure
and ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
record_structure =
| RNil : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_structure
| RCons : {
head : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_field;
tail : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_structure;
} -> ('a * 'types, 'structure * 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_structure
and ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
record_field =
| Mono : {
label : string;
desc : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
attributes : ('a, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) attributes;
} -> ('a, [ `Mono of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_field
| Poly : {
label : string;
variables : ('count, [ `Absent ], 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'positives, 'negatives, 'directs, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect) subvariables;
destruct : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt, 'count) forall_destruct;
construct : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt, 'count) forall_construct -> 'a;
} -> ('a, [ `Poly of 'structure * 'count * 'positives * 'negatives * 'directs ], 'arity, 'rec_group, [> `Poly ] as 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) record_field
and ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt, 'count)
forall_construct =
forall_construct : 'forall 'b 'subarity. ('count, 'forall) length -> ('forall, 'arity, 'subarity) append -> ('b, 'structure, 'subarity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc -> 'b;
and ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt, 'count)
forall_destruct =
forall_destruct : 'forall 'subarity. ('count, 'forall) length -> ('forall, 'arity, 'subarity) append -> ('a, 'structure, 'subarity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'gadt) forall_destruct_result;
and ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
forall_destruct_result =
| ForallDestruct : {
desc : ('b, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
destruct : 'a -> 'b;
} -> ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) forall_destruct_result
and ('cases, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
variant_constructors =
| VCNil : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructors
| VCCons : {
head : ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructor;
tail : ('cases, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructors;
} -> ('types * 'cases, 'structure * 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructors
and ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
variant_constructor =
| VConstructor : {
name : string;
argument : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_argument;
} -> ('types, [ `Constr of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructor
| VInherit : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc -> ('a, [ `Inherit of 'structure ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_constructor
and ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
variant_argument =
| VNone : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_argument
| VSome : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc -> ('a * unit, 'structure * unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) variant_argument
and ('methods, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
object_methods =
| ONil : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_methods
| OCons : {
head : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_method;
tail : ('methods, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_methods;
} -> ('a * 'methods, 'structure * 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_methods
and ('types, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
object_method =
| OMethod : {
name : string;
desc : ('a, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
} -> ('a, [ `Method of 'structures ], 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) object_method
and ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'variables, 'gadt) vector =
| VNil : (unit, unit, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, unit, 'gadt) vector
| VCons : {
head : ('a, 'structure, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) desc;
tail : ('types, 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'variables, 'gadt) vector;
} -> ('a * 'types, 'structure * 'structures, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, ('positive * 'negative * 'direct) * 'variables, 'gadt) vector
and ('positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'subpositive, 'subnegative, 'subdirect, 'variables)
transfer =
| VTNil : (_, _, _, unit, unit, unit, unit) transfer
| VTCons : {
head : ('p, 'n, 'sp, 'sn, 'ap, 'an) transfer_matrix * ('d, 'sd, 'ad) transfer_arguments;
tail : ('p, 'n, 'd, 'sps, 'sns, 'sds, 'variables) transfer;
} -> ('p, 'n, 'd, 'sp * 'sps, 'sn * 'sns, 'sd * 'sds, ('ap * 'an * 'ad) * 'variables) transfer
and ('p, 'n, 'sp, 'sn, 'ap, 'an) transfer_matrix = {
pp : ('p, 'sp, 'ap) transfer_arguments;
pn : ('p, 'sn, 'an) transfer_arguments;
np : ('n, 'sp, 'an) transfer_arguments;
nn : ('n, 'sn, 'ap) transfer_arguments;
and ('source, 'sub, 'arg) transfer_arguments =
| VTANil : (unit, _, unit) transfer_arguments
| VTACons : {
head : ('source, 'sub, 'arg) transfer_argument;
tail : ('sources, 'sub, 'args) transfer_arguments;
} -> ('source * 'sources, 'sub, 'arg * 'args) transfer_arguments
and ('source, 'sub, 'arg) transfer_argument =
| Transfer : ('a, 'a, [ `Present ]) transfer_argument
| Skip : (_, _, [ `Absent ]) transfer_argument
and ('eqs, 'structure_eqs, 'kinds, 'gadt) constructor_eqs =
| ENil : (unit, unit, 'kinds, 'gadt) constructor_eqs
| ECons : {
head : ([ `Succ of 'index ], 'gadt, 'eq, _) selection;
tail : ('eqs, 'structure_eqs, 'kinds, 'gadt) constructor_eqs;
} -> ('eq * 'eqs, 'index * 'structure_eqs, [> `GADT ] as 'kinds, 'gadt) constructor_eqs
and ('a, 'arity, 'rec_group, 'kinds, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt)
attributes =
typed : 'attribute. ('a, 'arity, 'attribute) typed_attribute_kind -> 'attribute option;
module Builtins : sig ... end
module Tools : sig ... end
module Converter : sig ... end
module Converters : sig ... end
val reverse :
'arity_a 'arity_b. ('arity_a, 'arity_b) converters ->
('arity_b, 'arity_a) converters
val make_variables :
'count 'forall 'arity_a 'arity_b. ('count, 'forall) Refl__.Desc.length ->
('arity_a, 'arity_b) converters ->
('forall, 'arity_a, 'arity_b) make_variables
val convert :
'structure_a 'structure_b 'a_struct 'b_struct 'arity_a 'arity_b 'rec_group_a 'rec_group_b 'kinds_a 'kinds_b 'positive_a 'negative_a 'direct_a 'positive_b 'negative_b 'direct_b 'gadt_a 'gadt_b.
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('arity_a, 'arity_b) converters ->
('gadt_a, 'gadt_b) Refl__.Desc.eq option ->
('a_struct, 'b_struct) Converter.t
val transfer :
'a 'structures_a 'arity_a 'rec_group_a 'kinds_a 'variables_a 'gadt_a 'b 'structures_b 'arity_b 'rec_group_b 'kinds_b 'variables_b 'gadt_b.
('a, 'structures_a, 'arity_a, 'rec_group_a, 'kinds_a, 'variables_a, 'gadt_a)
Refl__.Desc.vector ->
('b, 'structures_b, 'arity_b, 'rec_group_b, 'kinds_b, 'variables_b, 'gadt_b)
Refl__.Desc.vector ->
('arity_a, 'arity_b) converters ->
('gadt_a, 'gadt_b) Refl__.Desc.eq option ->
('a, 'b) Converters.t
module Mapper : sig ... end
module Mappers : sig ... end
val map :
'structure 'a_struct 'b_struct 'a_arity 'b_arity 'rec_group 'kinds 'positive 'negative 'direct 'gadt.
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('a_arity, 'b_arity, 'positive, 'negative) Mappers.t ->
('a_struct, 'b_struct) Mapper.t
module Printer : sig ... end
module Printers : sig ... end
module PrinterSequence : sig ... end
type Refl__.Desc.typed_attribute_kind +=
| Attribute_printer : ('a0, 'arity0, 'a0 Printer.t) Refl__.Desc.typed_attribute_kind
| Attribute_polyprinter : ('a1, 'arity1, 'arity1 PrinterSequence.t -> 'a1 Printer.t) Refl__.Desc.typed_attribute_kind
val pp :
'a 'structure 'arity 'rec_group 'positive 'negative 'direct 'gadt.
[> `Array
| `Arrow
| `Attributes
| `Bool
| `Bytes
| `Char
| `Constr
| `Exists
| `Float
| `Int
| `Int32
| `Int64
| `Lazy
| `MapOpaque
| `Nativeint
| `Object
| `Opaque
| `Poly
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
| `Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('arity, 'direct) Printers.t ->
'a Printer.t
val show :
[> `Array
| `Arrow
| `Attributes
| `Bool
| `Bytes
| `Char
| `Constr
| `Exists
| `Float
| `Int
| `Int32
| `Int64
| `Lazy
| `MapOpaque
| `Nativeint
| `Object
| `Opaque
| `Poly
| `Record
| `String
| `Tuple
| `Variable
| `Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'g) Printers.t ->
'a ->
module Compare : sig ... end
module Comparer = Compare.Comparer
module Comparers = Compare.Comparers
val compare_gen :
?hook:Compare.hook ->
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Bool Bytes Char Constr Exists Float Int Int32 Int64 Lazy MapOpaque Nativeint Object Opaque Record String Tuple Variable Variant ] as 'e,
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('j, 'b, 'k, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'l) Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'i, 'k, 'l) Compare.poly ->
('c, 'k, 'h) Compare.Comparers.t ->
('a, 'j) Compare.Comparer.t
val compare_poly :
?hook:Compare.hook ->
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Bool Bytes Char Constr Exists Float Int Int32 Int64 Lazy MapOpaque Nativeint Object Opaque Record String Tuple Variable Variant ] as 'e,
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('j, 'b, 'k, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'l) Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'k, 'h) Compare.Comparers.t ->
('a, 'j) Compare.Comparer.t
val compare :
?hook:Compare.hook ->
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Bool Bytes Char Constr Exists Float Int Int32 Int64 Lazy MapOpaque Nativeint Object Opaque Record String Tuple Variable Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'c, 'g) Compare.Comparers.t ->
('a, 'a) Compare.Comparer.t
module Eq : sig ... end
module Equaler = Eq.Equaler
module Equalers = Eq.Equalers
val equal_poly :
?hook:Eq.hook ->
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Bool Bytes Char Constr Exists Float Int Int32 Int64 Lazy MapOpaque Nativeint Object Opaque Record String Tuple Variable Variant ] as 'e,
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('j, 'b, 'k, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'l) Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'k, 'h) Eq.Equalers.t ->
('a, 'j) Eq.Equaler.t
val equal :
?hook:Eq.hook ->
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Bool Bytes Char Constr Exists Float Int Int32 Int64 Lazy MapOpaque Nativeint Object Opaque Record String Tuple Variable Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'c, 'g) Eq.Equalers.t ->
('a, 'a) Eq.Equaler.t
module Hash : sig ... end
val hash :
[< Refl__.Desc.Kinds.comparable Array Attributes Constr Exists Lazy MapOpaque Object Opaque Record Tuple Variable Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('c, 'g) Hash.Hashers.t ->
'a Hash.Hasher.t
val min :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
val max :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
val to_int_opt :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
'a ->
int option
val of_int_opt :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
int ->
'a option
val to_string :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
'a ->
val of_string_opt :
'a. ('a,
('structures, 'b) enum_structure,
[> `Constr ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
string ->
'a option
include module type of struct include Iter end
module Iter = Iter.Iter
module Iters = Iter.Iters
val iter :
'a 'structure 'arity 'rec_group 'positive 'negative 'direct 'gadt.
[> `Array
| `Arrow
| `Attributes
| `Constr
| `Exists
| `Lazy
| `MapOpaque
| `Object
| `Opaque
| `Poly
| `Record
| `Tuple
| `Variable
| `Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('arity, 'direct) Iters.t ->
'a Iter.t
include module type of struct include Fold end
module Fold = Fold.Fold
module Folds = Fold.Folds
val fold :
'a 'structure 'arity 'rec_group 'positive 'negative 'direct 'gadt.
[> `Array
| `Arrow
| `Attributes
| `Constr
| `Exists
| `Lazy
| `MapOpaque
| `Object
| `Opaque
| `Poly
| `Record
| `Tuple
| `Variable
| `Variant ],
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('arity, 'acc, 'direct) Folds.t ->
('a, 'acc) Fold.t
module StringMap : sig ... end
val make_fields :
'types 'structures. ('types,
[> `Poly ] as 'a,
Refl__.Desc.record_structure ->
('arity, 'rec_group, 'a, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) field
StringMap.t ->
val make :
'a 'structures 'new_rec_group. ('a,
('structures, 'new_rec_group)
[> `Poly | `Record ] as 'b,
Refl__.Desc.desc ->
('arity, 'new_rec_group, 'b, 'positive, 'negative, 'direct, 'gadt) field
StringMap.t ->
module Lift : sig ... end
module Visit : sig ... end
module Ocaml_attributes : sig ... end
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"