package reed-solomon-erasure

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Reed-Solomon erasure code encoder/decoder.

Naming conventions

typ represents bytes, str, and bigstr, e.g. encode_typ represents encode_bytes, encode_str, and encode_bigstr.

Common error handling

For encode_typ, verify_typ, reconstruct_typ, reconstruct_data_typ, reconstruct_opt_typ, reconstruct_data_opt_typ

Raises RS_Error.Exn.TooFewShards or RS_Error.t.TooManyShards when the number of provided shards does not match the codec's one.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.EmptyShard when the first shard provided is of zero length.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.IncorrectShardSize when the provided shards are of different lengths.

For reconstruct_typ, reconstruct_data_typ, reconstruct_opt_typ, reconstruct_data_opt_typ

Raises RS_Error.Exn.TooFewShardsPresent when there are not enough shards for reconstruction.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.InvalidShardFlags when the number of flags does not match the total number of shards.

Variants of encoding methods


Methods ending in _sep use data shards immutably, and parity shards mutably.

They are useful as they do not need to use of data shards mutably, and other work that only needs read-only access to data shards can be done in paralle/concurrently during the encoding.

Following is a table of all the sep variants

| not sep           | sep                   |
| ----------------- | --------------------- |
| encode_single_typ | encode_single_sep_typ |
| encode_typ        | encode_sep_typ        |

The sep variants do similar checks on the provided data shards and parity shards.

Raise RS_Error.Exn.TooFewDataShards, RS_Error.Exn.TooManyDataShards, RS_Error.Exn.TooFewParityShards, or RS_Error.Exn.TooManyParityShards when applicable.


Functions containg single facilitate shard by shard encoding, where the parity shards are partially constructed using one data shard at a time. See ShardByShard for more details on how shard by shard encoding can be useful.

They are prone to misuse, and it is recommended to use the shard_by_shard bookkeeping type instead for shard by shard encoding.

The ones that are also sep are ESPECIALLY prone to misuse. Only use them when you actually need the flexibility.

Following is a table of all the single variants

| all shards at once | shard by shard        |
| ------------------ | --------------------- |
| encode_typ         | encode_single_typ     |
| encode_sep_typ     | encode_single_sep_typ |

The signle variants do similar checks on the provided data shards and parity shards, and also do index check on i_data.

Raise RS_Error.Exn.InvalidIndex if i_data < 0 || i_data >= data_shard_count.

Encoding behaviour

For encode_typ

You do not need to clear the parity shards beforehand, as the functions will overwrite them completely.

For encode_single_typ, encode_single_sep_typ

Calling them with i_data being 0 will overwrite the parity shards completely. If you are using the methods correctly, then you do not need to clear the parity shards beforehand.

Variants of verifying methods

verify_typ allocate a buffer of the same size as the parity shards, and encode the input once using the buffer to store the computed parity shards, then check if the provided parity shards match the computed ones.

verify_with_buffer_typ allow you to provide the buffer to avoid making allocations(s) for the buffer in every call.

The with_buffer variants also guarnatee that the buffer contains the parity shards if the result is Ok _ (i.e. it does not matter whether the verification passed or not, as long as the result is not an error, the buffer will contain the correct parity shards after the call).

verify_ret_buffer_typ are the same as verify_typ in behaviour, but returns the buffer along with the verification result. The ret_buffer variants provide the same guarantees as the with_buffer variants with regards to the buffer.

Following is a table of all the with_buffer variants

| not with_buffer | with_buffer            |
| --------------- | ---------------------- |
| verify_typ      | verify_with_buffer_typ |

Following is a table of all the ret_buffer variants

| not ret_buffer | ret_buffer            |
| -------------- | --------------------- |
| verify_typ     | verify_ret_buffer_typ |

Error returning variants

All functions which may raise an exception have a error returning counterpart that returns an error instead of raising an exception.

The error returning variants share the same name but with no_exn attached at the end.


bigstr functions have highest performance, as they modify and use the shards in place.

bytes and str functions are wrappers around the bigstr functions, and due to different memory representations of bytes and strings, there will be a copying from bytes or string to bigstring before processing, then another copying from bigstring to bytes or string after processing (if necessary).

Usage of bigstring is necessary here because only it allows easy and safe use of the C code that does the SIMD enabled Galois operation.

Note that even with copying, it is still significantly faster than the pure OCaml version (~20 times faster on my SIMD enabled system), so unless the garbage collector workload level is particularly important in your project, performance aspects of bytes and string should be acceptable.

Ownership of shards

Only bigstr functions modify and use the shards in-place, both bytes and str functions do not modify or use the shards in-place.

More specifically, both bytes and str functions modify the arrays in-place, but they replace the shards by new shards instead of modifying the string or bytes. This means if you have previously bound some shards within the array to some identifiers, the bound shards will not reflect the changes.

val make : int -> int -> reed_solomon

make data_shards parity_shards

Creates a new instance of Reed-Solomon erasure code codec. Note that the codec is NOT thread-safe.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.TooFewDataShards if data_shards <= 0.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.TooFewParityShards if parity_shards <= 0.

Raises RS_Error.Exn.TooManyShards if data_shards + parity_shards > 256.

val make_no_exn : int -> int -> (reed_solomon, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

make_no_exn data_shards parity_shards

Error returning version of make

val data_shard_count : reed_solomon -> int

data_shard_count r

val parity_shard_count : reed_solomon -> int

parity_shard_count r

val total_shard_count : reed_solomon -> int

total_shard_count r

val encode_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> unit

encode_bytes r shards

val encode_single_bytes : reed_solomon -> int -> bytes array -> unit

encode_single_bytes r i_data shards

Wrapper of encode_single_bigstr.

val encode_single_sep_bytes : reed_solomon -> int -> bytes -> bytes array -> unit

encode_single_sep_bytes r i_data single_data parity

Wrapper of encode_single_bigstr.

val encode_sep_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bytes array -> unit

encode_sep_bytes r data parity

Wrapper of encode_sep_bigstr.

val encode_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> unit

encode_str r shards

Wrapper of encode_bigstr.

val encode_single_str : reed_solomon -> int -> string array -> unit

encode_single_str r i_data shards

Wrapper of encode_single_bigstr.

val encode_single_sep_str : reed_solomon -> int -> string -> string array -> unit

encode_single_sep_str r i_data single_data parity

Wrapper of encode_single_sep_bigstr.

val encode_sep_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> string array -> unit

encode_sep_str r data parity

Wrapper of encode_sep_bigstr.

val encode_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> unit

encode_bigstr r shards

val encode_single_bigstr : reed_solomon -> int -> bigstring array -> unit

encode_single_bigstr r i_data shards

Constructs the parity shards partially using only the data shard indexed by i_data.

The slots where the parity shards sit at will be overwritten.


You must apply this function on the data shards in strict sequential order( shard count), otherwise the parity shards will be incorrect.

It is recommended to use the shard_by_shard bookkeeping type instead of this function directly.

val encode_single_sep_bigstr : reed_solomon -> int -> bigstring -> bigstring array -> unit

encode_single_sep_bigstr r i_data single_data parity

Constructs the parity shards partially using only the data shard provided.

The data shard must match the index i_data.

The slots where the parity shards sit at will be overwritten.


You must apply this function on the data shards in strict sequential order( shard count), otherwise the parity shards will be incorrect.

It is recommended to use the shard_by_shard bookkeeping type instead of this function directly.

val encode_sep_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bigstring array -> unit

encode_sep_bigstr r data parity

Constructs the parity shards.

The slots where the parity shards sit at will be overwritten.

val encode_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_bytes_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of encode_bytes.

val encode_single_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> bytes array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_bytes_no_exn r i_data shards

Error returning variant of encode_single_bytes.

val encode_single_sep_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> bytes -> bytes array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_sep_bytes_no_exn r i_data single_data parity

Error returning variant of encode_single_sep_bytes.

val encode_sep_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bytes array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_sep_bytes_no_exn r data parity

Error returning variant of encode_sep_bytes.

val encode_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_str_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of encode_str.

val encode_single_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> string array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_str_no_exn r i_data shards

Error returning variant of encode_single_str.

val encode_single_sep_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> string -> string array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_sep_str_no_exn r i_data single_data parity

Error returning variant of encode_single_sep_str.

val encode_sep_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> string array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_sep_str_no_exn r i_data single_data parity

Error returning variant of encode_sep_str.

val encode_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_bigstr_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of encode_bigstr.

val encode_single_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> bigstring array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_bigstr_no_exn r i_data shards

Error returning variant of encode_single_bigstr.

val encode_single_sep_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> int -> bigstring -> bigstring array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_single_sep_bigstr_no_exn r i_data single_data parity

Error returning variant of encode_single_sep_bigstr.

val encode_sep_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bigstring array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

encode_sep_bigstr_no_exn r data parity

Error returning variant of encode_sep_bigstr.

val verify_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool

verify_bytes r shards

Wrapper of verify_bigstr.

val verify_ret_buffer_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool * bytes array

verify_ret_buffer_bytes r shards

Wrapper of verify_ret_buffer_bigstr.

val verify_with_buffer_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bytes array -> bool

verify_with_buffer_bytes r shards buffer

Wrapper of verify_with_buffer_bigstr.

val verify_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool

verify_str r shards

Wrapper of verify_bigstr.

val verify_ret_buffer_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool * string array

verify_ret_buffer_str r shards

Wrapper of verify_ret_buffer_bigstr.

val verify_with_buffer_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> string array -> bool

verify_with_buffer_str r shards buffer

Wrapper of verify_with_buffer_bigstr.

val verify_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool

verify_bigstr r shards

Checks if the parity shards are correct.

val verify_ret_buffer_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool * bigstring array

verify_ret_buffer_bigstr r shards

Checks if the parity shards are correct.

val verify_with_buffer_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bigstring array -> bool

verify_with_buffer_bigstr r shards buffer

Checks if the parity shards are correct.

val verify_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_bytes_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_bytes.

val verify_ret_buffer_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> (bool * bytes array, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_ret_buffer_bytes_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_ret_buffer_bytes.

val verify_with_buffer_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bytes array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_with_buffer_bytes_no_exn r shards buffer

Error returning variant of verify_with_buffer_bytes.

val verify_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_str_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_str.

val verify_ret_buffer_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> (bool * string array, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_ret_buffer_str_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_ret_buffer_str.

val verify_with_buffer_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> string array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_with_buffer_str_no_exn r shards buffer

Error returning variant of verify_with_buffer_str.

val verify_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_bigstr_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_bigstr.

val verify_ret_buffer_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> (bool * bigstring array, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_ret_buffer_bigstr_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of verify_ret_buffer_bigstr.

val verify_with_buffer_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bigstring array -> (bool, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

verify_with_buffer_bigstr_no_exn r shards buffer

Error returning variant of verify_with_buffer_bigstr.

val reconstruct_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_bytes r shards shard_present

Wrapper of reconstruct_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_data_bytes r shards shard_present

Wrapper of reconstruct_data_bigstr.

val reconstruct_opt_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes option array -> unit

reconstruct_opt_bytes r shards

Wrapper of reconstruct_opt_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_opt_bytes : reed_solomon -> bytes option array -> unit

reconstruct_data_opt_bytes r shards

Wrapper of reconstruct_data_opt_bytes.

val reconstruct_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_str r shards shard_present

Wrapper of reconstruct_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_str : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_data_str r shards shard_present

Wrapper of reconstruct_data_bigstr.

val reconstruct_opt_str : reed_solomon -> string option array -> unit

reconstruct_opt_str r shards

Wrapper of reconstruct_opt_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_opt_str : reed_solomon -> string option array -> unit

reconstruct_data_opt_str r shards

Wrapper of reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr.

val reconstruct_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_bigstr r shards shard_present

Reconstructs all shards.

The shards marked not present are only overwritten when no error is detected.

This means if the method returns an Error, then nothing is touched.

val reconstruct_data_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool array -> unit

reconstruct_data_bigstr r shards shard_present

Reconstructs only the data shards.

The shards marked out present are only overwritten when no error is detected.

This meeans if the method returns an Error, then nothing is touched.

val reconstruct_opt_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring option array -> unit

reconstruct_opt_bigstr r shards

Reconstructs all shards.

This fills in the missing shards with blank shards if and only if there are enough shards for reconstruction.

val reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr : reed_solomon -> bigstring option array -> unit

reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr r shards

Reconstructs only the data shards.

This fills in the missing shards with blank shards if and only if there are enough shards for reconstruction.

val reconstruct_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_bytes_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant of reconstruct_bytes.

val reconstruct_data_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_bytes_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant of reconstruct_data_bytes.

val reconstruct_opt_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_opt_bytes_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_opt_bytes.

val reconstruct_data_opt_bytes_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bytes option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_opt_bytes_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_data_opt.

val reconstruct_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_str_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant of reconstruct_str.

val reconstruct_data_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_str_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant of reconstruct_data_str.

val reconstruct_opt_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_opt_str_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_opt_str.

val reconstruct_data_opt_str_no_exn : reed_solomon -> string option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_opt_str_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_data_opt_str.

val reconstruct_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_bigstr_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant of reconstruct_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring array -> bool array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_bigstr_no_exn r shards shard_present

Error returning variant reconstruct_data_bigstr.

val reconstruct_opt_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_opt_bigstr_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_opt_bigstr.

val reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr_no_exn : reed_solomon -> bigstring option array -> (unit, RS_Error.t) Stdlib.result

reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr_no_exn r shards

Error returning variant of reconstruct_data_opt_bigstr.


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