package reason

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val ml_to_reason_swap : string -> string
val escape_string : string -> string
val reason_to_ml_swap : string -> string
module TrailingCommaMarker : sig ... end
module EOLMarker : sig ... end
val pick_while : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
val split_by : ?keep_empty:bool -> (char -> bool) -> string -> string list
val processLineEndingsAndStarts : string -> string
val isLineComment : string -> bool
val syntax_error_extension_node : Ast_404.Location.t -> string -> string Ast_404.Location.loc * Ast_404.Parsetree.payload
val remove_stylistic_attrs_mapper : Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper
val escape_stars_slashes_mapper : Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper
val reason_to_ml_swap_operator_mapper : Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper
val ml_to_reason_swap_operator_mapper : Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper -> Ast_404.Ast_mapper.mapper
val attribute_exists : 'a -> ('a Ast_404.Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> bool
val attributes_conflicted : 'a -> 'a -> ('a Ast_404.Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> bool
val normalized_attributes : 'a -> ('a Ast_404.Asttypes.loc * 'b) list -> ('a Ast_404.Asttypes.loc * 'b) list
type error =
  1. | Syntax_error of string
exception Error of Ast_404.Location.t * error
val map_first : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
val map_last : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a list
type menhirMessagesError = {
  1. msg : string;
  2. loc : Ast_404.Location.t;
type menhirError =
  1. | NoMenhirMessagesError
  2. | MenhirMessagesError of menhirMessagesError
val findMenhirErrorMessage : Ast_404.Location.t -> menhirError
val default_error_message : string
val add_error_message : menhirMessagesError -> unit
val location_is_before : Ast_404.Location.t -> Ast_404.Location.t -> bool
val location_contains : Ast_404.Location.t -> Ast_404.Location.t -> bool
val explode_str : string -> char list

Innovation. Community. Security.